Italy 24 Press News

civil servant robot commits suicide

A city council in South Korea said Wednesday (June 26) that their first administrative assistant robot died after jumping down the stairs. Local media confirmed and commented on the country’s first robot suicide.

The municipality of Gumi, South Korea, announced that the robot was found unresponsive after apparently falling from a 2-meter ladder last week.

Witnesses saw the official robot “circling in one spot as if searching for something” before the accident occurred, but the exact cause of the fall is still under investigation, a city official told AFP.

“The pieces have been collected and will be analyzed by the manufacturing company,” the official said, adding that the robot had “helped with daily document deliveries, city promotion and information delivery” to local residents.

“He was officially a part of City Hall, one of us,” another official said. “He worked diligently.”

The local media commented on what happened between amazement and dismay, given that no technical explanation was found and some even spoke of “Working too hard”

Named in August 2023, the robot was one of the first to be used in this way in a South Korean municipality.

Created by Bear Robotics, a Californian waiter robot start-up, the robot worked from 9am to 6pm and had its own official card.

Bear robot cameriere

Unlike other robots, which can typically only use one floor, the Gumi Municipality robot could call an elevator and move itself from one floor to another, making its fall even less explainable.

South Korea is one of the world’s most enthusiastic users of robots. It has the highest robot density in the world, with one industrial robot for every 10 workers, according to the International Federation of Robotics.

Gumi City Council has no plans to adopt a second robot officer at this time, according to media reports. Perhaps it doesn’t want to see another robot suicide.

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