Italy 24 Press News

“200 years in prison for Farage”

There is great frenzy in the house Five stars for the first days of school for the eight newly elected members of the EU Parliament. A frenzy that almost has the embarrassing flavour of excitement. And of course, the house organ of the grillini has for some time now become the social profile of the former Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Danilo Toninelli. On his Facebook page, between a foray into a motorway service station to look at the prices of rustichelle and a slalom between the labels on the shelves with Easter eggs, there is also room for “Counter-information”, a space where friends from the Toninelli area speak. And a couple of days ago it was the turn of Gaetano Pedullà, director of La Notizia, a newspaper very close to Giuseppi’s positions. Tonielli’s 29-minute interview with Pedullà is noteworthy. First of all, Pedullà immediately specifies that he is about to leave all the editorial roles of his newspaper to avoid “any possible conflict of interest”. Pedullà, like a consummate manager, conveys in a few seconds all his unstoppable anticipation to go and get the seat in Strasbourg: «I’m returning from Brussels, I’m passing through Milan where I’m completing the operations to give up everything and by the proclamation of mid-July everything it will be okay.” Convinced applause from Toninelli.

Then after praise and winks we start talking about the big themes. And Pedullà tries to give an outline of the first moves he will make in the European Parliament: «I will constantly deal with information and freedom of information. Self Farage (sic!) today he is free, look, it is not a coincidence as some people think. There is the issue of the American elections, Biden tried to show that the issue of freedom of thought is respected there. Something that until two days ago they didn’t want to respect, in fact they wanted to give him 200 years in prison”. We were not aware of these legal troubles of the former leader of the Brexit front. But trying, with difficulty, to interpret Pedullà’s thoughts, we are probably faced with a case of mistaken identity: Assange has become Farage. But it doesn’t end there. Perhaps not everyone knows that Farage, oops…, Assange was freed thanks to the Five Star Movement. And it was Pedullà himself who supported it: “Without the effort that the Five Star Movement also made to keep international attention high on this case, Farage (sic! for the second time) would still be in jail! They would have sent him away from England to rot in the United States in a prison”.

In short, Farage, without his knowledge, not only risked 200 years in prison, but is now free thanks to the grillini. Also in this case the protagonist of this surreal tale is Assange. The intervention of Peddle it ended with an appeal from Toninelli: «Gaetano, don’t forget about us, I know you won’t, remember the Counter-information community». And maybe he could have added «also remember not to confuse Assange with Farage». But «with his stomach on the ground» Tonielli remained silent. Was he confused too?

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