Italy 24 Press News

Daniele Bonera future coach of Milan in Serie C – Football

The team of young Rossoneri players that will participate in the Serie C championship starting next season will be called Milan Futuro. Daniele Bonera will coach it. The club announced it in a note.

“The Milan Futuro sports project, the last piece of a virtuous path that involves the entire youth sector up to the First Team – it is written -, was born with the main objective of enhancing the talent of the young people who grew up in the Rossoneri Youth Sector, who have already distinguished themselves in recent seasons in the category championships, in the Youth League and with their respective youth national teams to complete their physical-athletic maturation process. Furthermore, it will allow the players to compete, within their own Club, with professional football”.

The team will meet on 8 July and train in Milanello in close contact with Paulo Fonseca’s team, effectively forming a single group. The first official matches are scheduled for 11 and 18 August when the first and second preliminary rounds of the Coppa Italia Serie C will be played, while the start of the championship is scheduled for 25 August.

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