Italy 24 Press News

“Kiev and Moscow at the negotiating table”: this is how Trump wants to end the war in Ukraine

America’s eyes are on the television debate, more unique than rare between two presidents, which will take place on Thursday night but Donald Trump, certain of having victory in his pocket, seems to be already looking further ahead. More precisely to January 20, 2025, the day on which the Maga people hope to witness the return of the disrupter in chief at the White House. It is therefore not surprising that, despite the uncertainty of the polls, the government’s plans for a possible second mandate are starting to leak out. And it is even less surprising that in these hours the tycoon has seen the plan to end Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine in the event of his re-election.

The details of the dossier presented to Trump by two of his advisors, Keith Kellogg and Fred Fleitz, were revealed by the Reuters. According to information released by the news agency, the billionaire could corner the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky tying the continuation of military assistance to Kiev to accessing peace talks with Moscow. Key element of the proposal viewed by The Donald it would be a ceasefire between the two belligerent countries which, starting from the situation on the ground, would freeze the front line, giving the Russians a de facto advantage in the negotiations.

Trump could convince Vladimir Putin to accept peace negotiations by granting the suspension of Kiev’s promise of membership in NATO for an extended period of time. A refusal by the Tsar, the former president’s advisors say, would lead to an increase in American support for the Ukrainian army. Former General Kellogg, Chief of Staff of National Security Council during the Republican administration, however, states that the tycoon he would not have fully approved the project presented to him.

L’exit strategy Trumpian for the war in Ukraine was also published in an analysis of theAmerica First Policy Instituteand, a study center in which Kellogg and Fleitz hold important positions. The latter specified that Zelensky would not necessarily have to give up parts of the national territory but recognized that in the short term it is unlikely that Kiev will be able to regain control of the occupied areas.

The plan of the billionaire’s advisors, as expected, has already raised the doubts of experts. “What Trump supporters want is to cut aid, if not turn off the taps altogether”, says Charles Kupchan, analyst at Council of Foreign Relations. At the moment there are no official reactions from the chancelleries to the men’s project tycoon but the position of Ukraine’s allies is well known: open to peace negotiations only after the Russian withdrawal from the occupied regions.

Meanwhile, Steven Cheung, spokesman for the Republican representative, while not admitting the official nature of the plan for Ukraine, declares that with Trump in the White House there would have been no war. leitmotif often used by the GOP candidate to contrast his strongman image with that of the president Biden deemed too weak and uncertain, both on national and foreign policy issues.

Many then remember that some time ago The Donald claimed to be capable of ending the conflict in Eastern Europe”in 24 hours“, without specifying how. Now America’s partners may have a clearer idea of ​​its intentions.

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