Italy 24 Press News

the official pilgrimage numbers are appalling

The numbers of dead for the heat to Mecca they continue to rise and increasingly take on the contours of one massacre: I am over 1300 the deceased duringHajj, the traditional pilgrimage to the holy city of Islam.

The official numbers: how many pilgrims died in Mecca due to the heat

I am 1,301 people who died duringHajj. Saudi Arabia makes it official: it’s mostly about unregistered pilgrims.

These, according to what they reported from Riyadh, did not have official permits and had not officially registered with the authorities of their country before leaving.

A faithful gathered in a moment of prayer in Mecca

The causes of deaths during the pilgrimage

It has been estimated that approx 83% of the dead pilgrims were therefore not allowed to perform the Hajj.

A view in fact it allows access to certain facilities that the Saudi government provides to the faithful but to a cost highwhich is why so many didn’t have it.

According to the official Saudi press agency, they walked for hours and covered long distances under the sun, suffering from intense heat and without any assistance nor the possibility of enjoying “an adequate shelter or comfort”. Temperatures in recent days have approached 50 degrees.

Scary numbers for Hajj

Among the over 1300 dead there were faithful of at least 7 nations. According to the authorities of each country, at least 14 Malaysian citizens, 165 Indonesians, 75 Jordanians, 35 Pakistanis, 49 Tunisians, 11 Iranians and 98 Indians have died.

Several citizens are also included in the list Americans. The US State Department announced this, without yet specifying the precise number. “We can confirm the deaths of numerous US citizens in Saudi Arabia,” the spokesperson said.

There were several deaths, including those of origin Egyptian. As reported The messenger. The government is working to determine an accurate count of victims and missing persons and is in contact with Saudi Arabia to facilitate the return of their bodies.

What is Hajj

The Hajj it is one of the five pillars of Islam. Represents the voyage that every adult Muslim must do at least once in their life towards holy city.

It lasts five or six days, between the eighth and thirteenth day of the last month of the Islamic calendar. Through various rituals, we arrive at Caabaan ancient building located in the center of the Sacred Mosque in Mecca.

In 2024 it was scheduled from the evening of Friday 14 June to the evening of Wednesday 19 June

Photo source: IPA

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