Italy 24 Press News

Middle East, USA ready to support Israel in the war with Hezbollah – Il Tempo

The United States has made it clear to Israel that it will support it should it lead to all-out war with Hezbollah. This was revealed by CNN, which quotes a senior US official according to whom representatives of the Biden Administration reassured a delegation of senior Israeli officials visiting Washington this week in this sense. And this while attacks on the border between Israel and Lebanon in recent weeks have increased concerns about the possible outbreak of another conflict in the Middle East.

Speaking about Hezbollah’s provocations, US officials made it clear in person that the Biden Administration will offer Israel the security assistance it needs, the senior US official told CNN on condition of anonymity. The United States, he later clarified, would not deploy American troops on the ground in such a scenario. The meeting was attended by senior Israeli officials, including Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer and National Security Advisor Tzachi Hanegbi. On the US side, among others, national security advisor Jake Sullivan, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and White House coordinator for Middle East affairs Brett McGurk were present in Washington.

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