Italy 24 Press News

Chaos and accusations around Macron: «There are too many cockroaches in the Palace»

OfStefano Montefiori

Minister Le Maire against advisors close to first lady Brigitte. Philippe, now a former Macronist, is also critical


PARIS The closer we get to the elections that no one — except Bardella and Le Pen’s RN — would have wanted, the more nervousness grows in Macron’s camp. Between insults and sentences full of resentment, the former strongmen of the majority distance themselves. After all, by dissolving the Assembly suddenly, the commander of the Titanic hit the iceberg on purpose, and without consulting them. The ship is now sinking, and they feel entitled to try to save themselves.

Edouard Philippe was Macron’s first prime minister and in 2022 he founded the Horizons party, which until now was part of the majority, but which will now present its candidates independently. «It is the President of the Republic who has killed the presidential majority – says Philippe -. I’m not the one who left. Well, let’s move on to something else. Now we need to build a new parliamentary majority, which will work on a different basis. I’m ready to do my part.”

Dreaming of new alliances

The “grenade without safety”, which in the aftermath of the announcement Macron boasted of having thrown between the legs of the system, has exploded and French politics is now in chaos. Few are betting on the duration of the Nouveau Front Populaire on the left, and Edouard Philippe seems to be thinking of a new alliance that after 7 July could be formed in Parliament between the Gaullist right of the anti-RN Républicains, the social macronists like Clément Beaune, the Horizons deputies, Bayrou’s centrists, Glucksmann’s socialists, the ecologists, and in short the left except La France Insoumise of Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

If Philippe is more constructive and thinks about the future, the Minister of Finance Bruno Le Maire wants to settle some score and blames the powerful advisors of«ala Madame» (the apartments of premiere dame) of the Elysée, namely Bruno Roger-Petit (aka BRP) and the eternal Pierre Charon, 73 year old long-time captain already alongside Jacques Chirac and then Nicolas Sarkozy.

Insects and parquet

BRP and Charon are suspected of having encouraged Macron’s turn to the right, in a palace struggle that saw them gain the upper hand over the early Macronists. And they were the ones who advised the president on a choice that today appears suicidal. Le Maire despises them: «The parquet floors of the buildings of the Republic are full of cockroaches (the precise term he used in French is cloporte, in Italian «oniscidea»; ed.). They nest in the cracks of the parquet, it is very difficult to get rid of them. The best thing is not to listen to them and stay in one’s place, whether one is president, prime minister or minister.”

Gérald Darmanin remains in office as Minister of the Interior, in fact, but has already announced: “After the vote I will not remain minister one more day”, unless there is an unlikely victory. France will change responsibility for public order on the eve of the Games, «but everything is ready, even Jordan Bardella recognizes it», says Darmanin, with bitterness and a thought for the 2027 Presidential elections. S. Mon.


June 21, 2024 (changed June 21, 2024 | 10:16 pm)


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