Italy 24 Press News

The Top 10 favorite destinations for millionaires: there is also Italy

Published: June 20, 2024

Giulia Sbaffi

Web content writer

Web content writer passionate about good stories and travel, she has been writing for as long as she can remember. Curious by nature, she likes to keep informed about what is happening around her.

From China to the United Kingdom, many countries are losing much of their wealth, through so-called migration of millionaires. The “scrooges” who were born or earned their fortune in those countries now decide to leave, for reasons that can be very different from each other. From geopolitical tensions to an inconvenient tax regime, there are many (excellent) reasons to move to a place that offers more interesting opportunities.

The new report by Henley & Partners estimates the number of millionaires migrating from their country at 128 thousand, a clear increase compared to 2023 (120 thousand departures, a record achieved only after the pandemic). “In many ways, this migration is a leading indicator. It signals a profound shift in the global landscape and tectonic plates of wealth and power, with far-reaching implications for the future trajectory of the nations they leave behind or those they become their new home,” he said Dominic Volekby Henley & Partners.

Let’s find out what they are favorite destinations by the millionaires who migrate.

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