Italy 24 Press News

North Korea: back to 1950? Putin consecrates the “red monarchy”

One of the episodes that marked the beginning of the cold war and in fact they even blew one up very hot war in the Far Eastit was in 1950 South Korea’s aggression by North Korea. In violation of international law, of the United Nations agreements that had established the border between the two Koreas, the communist regime in Pyongyang he decided to invade his neighbor to the South. It was initially a move that seemed successful because it had the support of China, Mao Zedong and Russia, or rather Stalin’s Soviet Union.

Thanks to two super powers who supported that aggression, that violation of sovereignty, the invasion initially seemed successful, then the Americans intervened together with an international coalition, at the end of a long war (1950-1953) the original border was restored between the two Koreas. Then there was that degeneration of the Northern regime which transformed into a true monarchy.
Grampa. Father. Today the grandson. We are at third generation of Kims, which does not correspond exactly to the rules that a communist regime should inspire this hereditary lineage. And there was a period in which this regime went mad, which subjected it to a ferocious dictatorshipbloodthirsty its own people and starving its own people, it seemed that Putin’s Russia and China were in some way annoyed, worried by the authoritarian and criminal drift of North Korea.

And there were periods, up until a decade ago, in which Moscow and Beijing intervened, at Washington’s urging, to moderate the nuclear arms race of Pyongyang. Now that period has come to an end and we are almost back to the starting point. That is, today Putin throws off his mask, consider Pyongyang and North Korea a precious friend which provides him with weapons to use in Ukraine.
He totally relegitimizes himself with his visit to Pyongyang red monarchy of North Korea, and even the Chinese have thrown off their masks for a few years now, in the sense that they consider North Korea and its nuclear arms race a useful nuisance, a thorn in the side of America’s allies in the Far East, namely South Korea and Japan. AND we are slipping fully into the climate of 1950.

June 18, 2024


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