Italy 24 Press News

Lula’s former treasurer returns to command

Vaccari, former treasurer of Lula’s PT, returns to be very influential in Petrobras

Arrested by Lava Jato, the former treasurer of Lula’s party João Vaccari Neto he was imprisoned from April 2015 to September 2019. Now João Vaccari Neto participated in the selection of candidates for relevant positions in the Brazilian state oil company. Pedro Barusco, a former Petrobras services manager, said in an award-winning complaint that Vaccari Neto had received bribes on behalf of the PT in the corruption scheme in the state. The former PT treasurer was arrested preventively in April 2015 in the 12th phase of Operation Lava Jato. He was convicted of passive corruption and remained in prison until 2019, when he was released to serve his sentence in a semi-open regime, wearing an electronic anklet.

In January 2024, Vaccari Neto had his conviction overturned Edson Fachin, former PT lawyer who had already released Lula and now judge of the Supreme Court. Vaccari Neto participated in the foundation of the CUT (Central Única dos Trabalhadores) and the PT, with President Lula and joined the former Banespa (Banco do Estado de São Paulo) in 1978, as an employee. He became president of the Union of Bankers and Financial Services of São Paulo, Osasco and Region from 2000 to 2005. He was also president of Bancoop (Cooperativa Habitacional dos Bancários de São Paulo) from 2004 to 2010. Former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL ) joked about the former PT treasurer’s involvement in Petrobras. “Love has returned without shame to be happy!”, he declared.

Paolo Manzo, 17 June 2024

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