Italy 24 Press News

Saudis, India, Brazil, South Africa and Indonesia do not sign the summit communiqué – Europe

Many key countries in the Global South – such as Saudi Arabia, Mexico, India, Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia – did not sign the final declaration of the Lucerne peace summit.

The final communiqué, approved not by all participants in the peace summit in Switzerland, “reaffirms the territorial integrity” of Ukraine. The peace summit states in the final declaration that “dialogue between all parties is necessary to end the war”. It also urges the complete exchange of prisoners of war and the return of children deported from Russia.

“The countries that did not come to the summit see what is happening: Ukraine is building consensus around the peace formula and this allows us to make enormous steps forward towards a just peace, not at all costs.” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said this while speaking to journalists. “The next summit should lead to the end of the war and we need the other side to be at the table: our task is to bring Ukraine to that table as strongly as possible,” he said, specifying that “the process of finalizing the communiqué It is in its final stage.”

“Two weeks ago it was written that Saudi Arabia had declined the invitation to the summit and we knew that wasn’t true. The fact that it is here shows that it is committed to the peace process: Riyadh is in the game.” Kuleba said this in response to a question about the statements of some countries in the Global South. Riyadh had spoken of the need for “difficult compromises”. “We respect the positions of other countries. Our position is clear: the fundamental principles of international law and the UN charter must be at the center of the peace process, we can talk about the rest.”

“Italy has always done its part and has no intention of turning its back but we must unite all our possible efforts to help Ukraine look to the future and that is what we did at the G7 under the Italian presidency”. Giorgia Meloni said this while speaking at the plenary of the peace summit. “We can build a lot after today’s discussion,” added the prime minister.

“Zelensky should think about Putin’s peace offer because the military situation in Kiev has worsened.” This was stated by Dmitry Peskov, the Russian president’s spokesman, as Tass writes.

“Russian President Vladimir Putin does not reject negotiations with Ukraine, but their outcome must be approved by the legitimate Ukrainian government. Volodymyr Zelensky does not belong to this category”, continues the Kremlin spokesperson. Zelensky “is not the person with whom one can register an agreement in writing because de jure this registration will be illegitimate.” “However, Putin does not reject anything, he does not reject the possibility of negotiations, according to the country’s constitution,” Peskov added.

Moscow, conquered another city in southern Ukraine

Moscow has claimed control of another city in southern Ukraine. This is Zagirne, in the Zaporizhzhia region, the Russian agencies write. “The units of the Eastern Grouping of Forces liberated the settlement of Zagirne in the Zaporizhia region and occupied more favorable positions,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in its daily briefing.

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