Italy 24 Press News

G7, Putin on the decision to use Russian assets for Kiev: “Theft that will not go unpunished”. And he warns: “Arrogant West, close to the point of no return”

The world is “impermissibly close to the point of no return” and risks a “tragedy” due to “the selfishness and arrogance of Western countries”, who speak of the need to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia without considering that it “is possessing one of the largest nuclear arsenals in the world.” The Russian president said so Vladimir Putin speaking at the Foreign Ministry. A response to the agreement, reached yesterday, with which the G7 decided to finance aid to Kiev with the interest accruing on Russian assets blocked and spread between the US and the EU, in all about 280 billion which is estimated to generate between 3 and 5 billion a year. For Putin, the freezing of Russian capital in the West is “a theft”. he will not go unpunishedhe promised as reported by the agency Interfax. Except to add that, “if Europe wants to remain one of the independent centers of development in the world, it must have good relations with Russia, and Moscow is ready for this”.

Harsh tones also come from North Koreawhich is preparing to receive Putin and in the meantime condemns the peace summit on Ukraine which will be hosted by Swiss over the weekend, describing it as a “conspiracy rally under the guise of peace” to exclude Russia. The presence of around a hundred delegations from countries and organizations is expected at the event to discuss a path that leads to the end of the war that began 28 months ago with the attack on Moscow and the invasion of Ukraine. “The idea of ​​discussing the issue without including Russia, a key party in the conflict, is absurd,” the Kona news agency reported, amid rumors of an imminent visit to the hermit state by the Russian president amid growing military ties. closer between Moscow and Pyongyang. It would be Putin’s first visit to Pyongyang in 24 years and according to South Korean officials it could take place “in a few days”. Rumors circulating in Beijing have indicated the visit as possible already over the weekend, when the peace conference will be held in Switzerland.

The United States, South Korea and other countries have accused the North of providing artillery, missiles and other conventional weapons to Russia in exchange for military technology and economic aid. Both North Korea and Russia have rejected the accusations. Pyongyang criticized the American president Joe Biden and the Ukrainian one Volodymyr Zelensky, accusing them of using the summit to instigate further wars and clashes. “It is natural that the international community condemns this conspiratorial meeting, which takes place under the pretext of peace but aims to promote conflicts and wars,” Kona added.

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