Italy 24 Press News

“Ready to use nuclear weapons”: Minsk imitates Moscow in nuclear threats

There Belarus she declared herself ready to use hers tactical nuclear weapons. This was stated by the chief of staff of the Minsk armed forces, Major General Pavel Muraveiko. Moscow’s faithful ally raises the level of tension in continental Europe which continues to witness military exercises from Cold War and marks the territory following the example of the Kremlin.

“We are ready to use the atomic bomb” in our possession, this was the message from Minsk at the end of the meeting joint exercises with the non-strategic nuclear forces of the Russian Federation. “Now we can say with confidence: the Armed Forces of Belarus are ready to use tactical nuclear weapons“, reports the Belarusian Defense Ministry via the Russian Information Agency Tax.

Joint nuclear exercises

Yesterday the Russian Ministry of Defense announced the start of “second phase” of nuclear, non-strategic exercises, in accordance with the decision taken by President Vladimir Putin. The first phase of the exercises began on May 21 in the southern district of Russia. A decision that had caused concern among several member countries of the Born.

The purpose of these exercises is to “ensure preparation” of tactical nuclear weapons, systems and operators assigned for: “Unconditionally guarantee sovereignty and territorial integrity” of Russia and Belarus. In the first phase of this series of exercises, which involved only Moscow’s forces, the preparation of the Kinzhal hypersonic missiles. Weapons launchable from aircraft and ships that can be armed with a conventional or nuclear explosive payload.

The weapons of Minsk

Until a few months ago it was not clear whether Belarus actually possessed the “tactical weapons” that it should have received from Russia despite the fact that the military leaders in Minsk had returned to talking about a “new military doctrine“adequate to the level of tension reached between the Kremlin and NATO in a new polarization caused by the conflict in Ukraine. General Muraveiko’s statements would confirm the “assignment“.

Last summer Russian President Vladimir Putin had “decided to transfer an unspecified number of tactical nuclear warheads to Belarus“. Weapons to be employed in the event of an escalation that would drag one into one conventional clash NATO forces and Russia.

This type of weapon, defined as “tactical”, is armed with warheads of reduced power compared to those with which strategic nuclear weapons are armed, and could be used on the battlefield, still causing devastating damage, but reduced to the battlefield. The use of such a weapon, once deterrence is nullified, could trigger a nuclear escalation with strategic weapons with unimaginable consequences.

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