Italy 24 Press News

Double deadly blow for Ukraine in Russia: the Nezhegol base, the main Russian command post for attacking Kharkiv, was destroyed with the Himars. Here are the satellite photos

Last Sunday and Monday, Ukraine again devastated – using Western Himars missiles, and perhaps in one case even an aircraft – two very important targets in Russia. And now through several satellite images it is possible to confirm this also in the third mod. The most serious of the two fatal blows inflicted on Russia occurred on Monday, June 10 at the command post of the 6th Combined Army (military unit 31807). This is a crucial target, a command post that was located at the Nezhegol recreation center (belongs to Belgorod State University), near Shebekino, Belgorod region. One of Russia’s main bases. Perhaps the main one to attack the Kharkiv area.

That command post was responsible for units taking part in the offensive operation on Volchansk, in the Kharkiv region (where Ukraine regained control of the village in recent days). Initially, according to the “Doshe Shpiona” telegram channel, eight Russian army officers were missing. It later became known that at least three soldiers were killed, Astra writes, citing sources from the emergency services. At least 15 soldiers were on the base at the time of the attack.

The other attack had occurred the day before, Sunday, with drones, on a depot of ammunition and vehicles: at lunchtime in the village of Tsentralnoye, in the Rakityansk district, Belgorod region (30 kilometers from the border with Sumy region), a warehouse that was used for storing equipment and ammunition of the Northern troop group was destroyed. The attack was carried out using two Himars missiles. The destruction, according to different telegram channels, was extensive: 4 Ural trucks, an APC and another UAZ. About 5 thousand ammunition burned.

According to a Sky News source, the attack on the Nezhegol base is the first by a Ukrainian aircraft on Russian territory, which targeted a “Russian command node”. Astra reports that Nezhegol was on the “target list” of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, whose intelligence services had warned the 6th Army at least a week before the attack, but no countermeasures had been taken by Russia.

This impressive series of defeats coincides with the increasingly important arrival of Western weapons, and as has often happened in the past, the Wagnerian Gray Zone channel is one of the most sincere in reporting what is really happening on the field. Retweet another channel, “Informant”, very severe with Moscow: «Attacks on air defense areas continue in Crimea. During the night between 9 and 10 June, command posts, radars, launchers and equipment of several S-400 and S-300 crews were destroyed. Today the enemy also announced the destruction of several radars. And right now in the skies of the Black Sea there are several NATO reconnaissance aircraft, which are directly linked to the systematic destruction of the Crimean air defense». Crimea is highly exposed, according to the Wagnerians, due to the work of NATO reconnaissance planes and Reaper drones, and the rate of Russian production of new vehicles and weapons to replace the destroyed systems is not enough: «Of course, the production rate in no way covers the level of current losses, so a solution must be found here and now. And the only correct way out of the situation will be the destruction of NATO long-range warning aircraft and RQ-4 Global Hawk UAVs over the Black Sea, which are a harbinger of attacks on our air defense, navy, aviation and even nuclear infrastructure.”

Could it lead to an escalation on the part of NATO, they ask? According to this world, linked to the Wagner Group (now purely embedded in Russian Defense), and to the Russian military in the field, no: «No one will take revenge for a drone, or even for several AWACS pilots, who, moreover, will fall alone and all coincidences are random. At the moment all our problems stem from the lack of an answer: ships sunk, air bases bombed, air defense systems destroyed and, above all, military personnel killed. “Playing defensive” is obviously doomed to failure, and the sooner you understand this, the better.”

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