Italy 24 Press News

it is second with 16.5%, the SPD at its lowest. Greens collapse (12%)

Olaf Scholz had put his face there: his face is on the election posters in Germany. And therefore these European elections, in the Federal Republic, where the CDU has established itself as the leading party, and the far-right has overtaken the Social Democrats, are a “slap in the face of the Chancellor”. With the vote on June 9, the Germans also moved further to the right. And this a few hours after the shocking result came from Austria, where the FPO extremists were ahead of everyone for the first time. «It’s a great success for us. It is a disaster for the parties of the Semaphore government”, commented the euphoric leader of the Christian Democrats Friedrich Merz, who immediately added: “But this is also a serious defeat for the chancellor, who personally campaigned on posters like Kanzler of peace”. In the second rows, Carsten Linnemann and Jens Spahn even raised the question of trust, to pave the way for the polls. “Scholz remains chancellor”, the firm reply from Saskia Esken, co-president of the Social Democrats, where the party leaders admitted lividly that they “had not bet” on such a result and that they still had to “analyze” the vote.

AfD embarrassment: leader Krah banned from European election campaign

Exploit Afd

While Tino Chrupalla, leader of Afd, rejoiced at the “record” result of the ultra-right, which ran without a leader, due to the various scandals that hit Maximilian Krah. According to the evening’s projections published by the public broadcaster ARD, Friedrich Merz’s Christian Democrats, allied with the Bavarian CSU, confirm the large advantage announced some time ago by the polls with 30.3% (in 2019 they were at 28.9). And there is a clear leap forward from the ultra-right AfD, which reaches 16% (it was 11%) and is the leading party in the east of the country. A good two points more than Scholz’s Social Democrats, who with 13.9% worsened compared to the already very disappointing result of five years ago (15.8), archiving the worst data ever recorded in the European elections. The Greens collapse, having collected a very meager 11.9% (in 2019 they were even at 20.5), the Liberals resist, given 5% (5.6) and Sara Wagenknecht’s new party asserts itself with 6% , conquered since the debut match. Finally the Linke collapses, which the activist Carola Rackete was unable to save from sinking: 2.7% (it was 5.5%). «The right is advancing everywhere. Even in Italy with Meloni, in France with Le Pen, not just here. The situation is dark. This scares me for the future and also for the present”, the comment of the former activist, who became known for her actions to rescue migrants in the Mediterranean and her clash with Matteo Salvini. With issues such as the war in Ukraine and migrants at the center – an issue reopened by an attack in Mannheim committed by an Afghan who killed a policeman – the electoral campaign in Germany was nothing short of turbulent, marked by scandals and violence.

Scholz, the SPD at historic lows: 14%, but the party president is rushing to put a dam in place: “He will remain chancellor”

The ultra-right had to liquidate its leader along the way, accused of pro-Russian positions, ended up in a storm due to the arrest of his assistant for Chinese espionage, and finally fallen on the statements about the SS. Words that also had an impact on the expulsion of the party from the ID group. However, all this was not enough to distance the voters whom the internal services were keeping under observation for their unconstitutional positions. And Afd, with its clever campaign on Tik Tok, seems to have attracted especially many young people, in Germany where sixteen-year-olds also voted today for the first time. In Austria, the far-right FPO party did even better, establishing itself as first on the list with 27% of the votes, with its leading candidate Harald Vilimsky. While Ovp and Spo competed for second place with a 23% that sees them neck and neck. Even in the Alpine country the Greens fell to 10.5%, equal with Neos.

Record turnout at 64-65%

Record voter turnout in Germany of between 64% and 65%, the highest level recorded since reunification in 1990, and higher than the average turnout in the EU of 51%. In the previous European elections the turnout was 61.4%. In reality, the turnout reached the maximum level of 65.7% even in the first European elections in 1979 but on that occasion only West German voters went to the polls.

European elections, CDU-CSU in the lead in Germany with 29.5% (exit poll)


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