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Israel, Benny Gantz resigns from the government and calls for new elections

The leader of the National Unity Party and main political opponent of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced that his party will leave the governing coalition, accusing the Israeli prime minister of preventing Israel from “achieving true victory”


Benny Gantzhead of the National Unity Party – a coalition that includes Blue and White and New Hope – and main political opponent of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, announced that his party will withdraw from the governing coalition formed immediately after October 7 to face the war against Hamas. Gantz in turn he will resign from the war cabinetor the body in which decisions on the war in the Gaza Strip are made.

Gantz said he joined the executive for the good of the country, even “though we knew it was bad government” and indeed, he said, he has since seen strategic considerations put aside for political reasons. He is clearly responsible Netanyahu, who is preventing Israel from “achieving true victory.”

The people of Israel deserve better than “empty promises,” Gantz continued, asserting that “true victory” means the return of hostages, the replacement of Hamas as the governing body in Gaza and the creation of a regional alliance against Iran.

Announcing his resignation, the former Israeli army chief and former defense minister asked the Israeli prime minister to set an agreed date to return to the polls by autumn.

Gantz also called on all members of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, to join him and “obey the command of your conscience”addressing in particular the Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant. “You are a courageous and determined leader and above all a patriot. In this moment leadership and courage are not only about saying what is right, but also about doing what is right,” he added.

Finally he gave his full support for the agreement with Hamas for the release of hostages presented by US President Joe Biden and asked the Prime Minister for “the courage to support it and do everything possible to take it forward”. Gantz added that, despite moving to the opposition, he could still support the government’s “right” moves.

The reactions of Israeli politics to Gantz’s resignation

The reactions from politicians were not long in coming. Netanyahu responded to a conference that had not yet concluded, asking Gantz to stay. “Israel is in an existential war on multiple fronts. Benny, it’s not time to abandon the campaign – it’s time to join forces,” the Israeli prime minister wrote on X.

The Opposition leader Yair Lapid instead welcomed it Gantz’s announcement. “Benny Gantz’s decision to leave the government is justified and important,” he said in a statement. “It’s time to replace this extremist and failed government with a government that restores security for the Israeli people, brings home the hostages, rebuilds the economy and restores Israel’s international standing.”

Netanyahu’s appeal to Gantz: “This is the moment for unity”

Already on Sunday the Times of Israel had announced that Gantz would hold a press conference in the evening after having canceled another on Saturday. Everyone expected him to leave the government after the disagreements expressed with respect to the line held by Netanyahu.

Last May 18th Gantz had harshly criticized the Israeli prime minister, giving him a three-week ultimatum, which expired on Saturday June 8th: either an “action plan” for the post-war period was adopted Gaza Strip or he would be forced to resign from the government.

“The cancellation of Saturday’s conference – commented the Israeli newspaper on Sunday – appeared as a tacticsin light of the rescue of four hostages in the hands of Hamas”. After the announcement of the release, Netanyahu had launched an appeal to Gantz: “This is the moment of unitynot of the division”. The request, however, seems to have fallen on deaf ears.

In the event of early elections, Gantz appears to be the favourite

Gantz’s party would also follow the leader, but it must be said that the Loss of the support of the National Unity Party does not lead to the fall of the executivewhich can still count on absolute majority of seats in the Knesset (64 out of 120) guaranteed by the right-wing party Likud.

However, in the event that the government loses further pieces and we go to early electionsGantz himself appears to be the favorite to form a new coalition.

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