Italy 24 Press News

Russia, Putin raises the specter of nuclear war. Friedman: “Propaganda”

On Stasera Italia, the politics and current affairs program of Rete 4, the world balance and Vladimir Putin’s tests of strength were discussed. Should we fear nuclear war? Is this a possible scenario? Moscow could react to Kiev’s use of Western missiles against its territory by itself supplying the same weapons “in regions of the world from where sensitive attacks will be launched on sites of those countries that supply weapons to Ukraine”, i.e. say about NATO. The Russian president said this during an interview with some of the main international agencies. This, he added, could lead to “very serious problems”.

Read also: Tonight Italy, Molinari’s background on Putin: “Dangerous for the electoral campaign”

Alan Friedman, in conjunction with Sabrina Scampini, tried to define the contours of these threats. “I don’t see a muscular attitude on Biden’s part. He, like Macron, tells the truth”, he stated initially. “Putin is a threat to Europe and anyone who doesn’t see it is blind, stupid”, he confirmed, but for the journalist “Putin threatens nuclear war” but it is “just propaganda that he repeats to exploit ignorant people”. “There can be no nuclear war. Putin is simply very clever,” he added.

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