Italy 24 Press News

“The West is preparing for war with us”

THE Western countries have entered a “pre-war ecstasy” and, with this pretext, they began to censor their media, even the most authoritative ones. Materials written under dictation are visible to the naked eye, Russian Presidential Spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told Vgtrk.

Peskov noted that even the largest international agencies are “under pressure from the country where their headquarters are located.” “They they are preparing for war with us. Entering this pre-war ecstasy, they begin to violate the interests of the media, censoring it,” the Kremlin representative emphasized.

Lavrov: “Putin’s words about the supply of Russian weapons were understood”

According to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Vladimir Putin’s words about the possible supply of Russian weapons to other countries in the West were heard and understood. Lavrov spoke in an interview with Pavel Zarubin, an excerpt of which was published by the journalist on Telegram.

“I have no doubt they have heard, I have no doubt they will understand, there are still people who know how to analyze and are not simply engaged in escalation to please their radical electorate every day before the next election campaign. I think they will understand, or rather, I think they will understand and draw conclusions,” the minister said.

Orban: “Peace depends on European and American elections”

In an interview with HirTv, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that “Western leaders, who are on the path to war, want to defeat Russia militarily. Their plan is simple, because it’s all about moneywhich gives them influence and power.”

Orban recalled the period of the 1990s, when “Europeans were welcomed into Russia and managed to infiltrate the Russian economy, without encountering resistance.” According to the Hungarian prime minister, the West tried to exploit Russia in that period, but “the Russians ultimately took matters into their own hands and transformed everything as they saw fit.”

Many Western actors are nostalgic for these times, dreaming of “another great perestroika in the East” and they hope that the conflict in Ukraine offers them opportunities in this regard, Orban said, adding that several “arms sellers, creditors and stock market gamblers” are already trying to profit from the conflict.

According to Orban, if elections in Europe and the United States “are won by peace-loving people”, then peace can be established in Ukrainethe Hungarian prime minister told Tass.

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