Italy 24 Press News

Clockwork investigations, the Striano dossiers on the elections – Il Tempo

Rita Cavallaro

09 June 2024

There is the usual little hand behind the latest scandal exploded by the left a few hours after the polls opened. And the usual method: that of pulling dossiers out of the drawer to use as a club against the political opponent, at the right time and with the aim of influencing the democratic life of the country. Even the case of Paolo Signorelli, the former spokesperson of the minister Francesco Lollobrigida, is closely linked to the documents of the dossier investigation, the investigation involving the finance lieutenant Pasquale Striano and the prosecutor Antonio Laudati, two state servants in service in that sacred temple that is the Anti-Mafia, transformed, according to the Perugia prosecutor Raffaele Cantone, into a vermin which, in the last four years, has carried out thousands of unauthorized accesses to databases to spy on politicians, almost all of centre-right. To then send a myriad of documents covered by secrecy to a group of journalists, who would promptly use the confidential information illicitly downloaded from the analyst system for scoops aimed at undermining the formation of the new Meloni government, Silvio Berlusconi’s race for Colle, the electoral events of the League. Even the Demce dossier, the one containing the wiretaps and chats published in recent days, is one of the illicit files contested by the investigators at Striano & Co. The financier at the head of the SOS group of the National Anti-Mafia Directorate, at the request of one of the journalists of Tomorrow investigated in competition, had in fact downloaded five files, considered confidential, on the Albanian boss Elvis Demce from the Sidda-Sidna database, on 22 and 23 February 2022.

A few days later, on February 27, he sent the classified materials to the reporter and, in the following months, he also searched for Lollobrigida’s name. The statement of the illicit exchange, via wetransfer, of the documents called “DEMCE” is contained in the detail of the objections put in black and white in Striano’s notice to appear, together with the hundreds of confidential files listed in support of the accusations of abusive access to the IT systems and disclosure of classified information. Those documents would contain the same chats pulled out of the hat only now, on the last day of the election campaign, but dating back to 2018. At the right time, against the right opponent, to be defeated with neo-Nazism and links to crime. «But did they acquit Elvis? Fantastic dajee», says Signorelli in the chat, referring to the Demce trial and obtaining an exultant «yes» from Fabrizio Piscitelli, that «Diabolik», head of the Lazio Irriducibili, killed by gunshots on 7 August 2019, on a bench in the Aqueducts park. Not to mention the insults to the Jews, which now only make the news if they don’t come from the pro-Palestine left, the one which, since the Israeli retaliation on Gaza after the terrorist attacks of 7 October, has unleashed hatred against Netanyahu and the Zionists. “It’s not our fault if Roman supporters are Jews,” Diabolik says in a vocal, to which the former spokesperson replies “All Jews” and various “damn them.” And yet other passages reported to underline the black ideology of Signorelli’s grandfather, among the founders of Ordine Nuovo. Lots of irons in the fire to reinvigorate the usual bugaboo of fascism, the obsession of a left that doesn’t know how to go back to governing without winning the elections.

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