Italy 24 Press News

«It’s been a while since I spoke Hebrew»

IDF Special Forces rescued 4 live Israeli hostages Gaza: it’s about Noa Argamani, Shlomi Ziv, Almog Meir Jan and Andrey Kozlov. ANDThey were kidnapped by Hamas at the Nova music festival on October 7, the day that started the war in the Middle East.

Noa Argamani freed, who is the Israeli student kidnapped during the rave in Israel: the video of the capture, the cries for help and the uncertain fate

«The hostages – they said in a joint note – they were rescued by Shin Bet and army fighters from two different locations during the operation in the heart of Nuseirat. Their medical conditions are normal and they have been transferred to Sheba-Tel Hashomer Medical Center for further medical tests. Security forces continue to use all efforts to rescue the abductees.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Isaac Herzog spoke with Noa. The girl is in good condition and is undergoing checks in a hospital in central Israel.

Gantz loosens his anti-Bibi grip and cancels the press conference

After the news of the release of the hostages, War Cabinet Minister and centrist leader Benny Gantz decided to cancel this evening’s press conference on the expiry of the ultimatum given to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the change of policy in the war on Gaza, under penalty of exit from the government.

Netanyahu to Noa: we never gave you up for lost

«We didn’t give you up for lost even for a moment. I don’t know if you believed it, but we believed it and I’m happy that it happened.” This is what Benjamin Netanyahu said in the phone call with Noa Argamani, the 25-year-old Israeli kidnapped by Hamas who became the symbol of the October 7 attacks, which occurred shortly after her release, together with that of 3 other hostages. “Reconnect with your family, and hug your mother too,” added the Israeli prime minister, speaking to the girl who said she was “very excited” to speak Hebrew again. “In Hebrew and at home this is important,” Netanyahu added. President Isasc Herzog also spoke to Noa, telling her that she “embraces her on behalf of the entire nation of Israel.”

“I’m very excited, I haven’t spoken Hebrew for so long.” These are the first words that Noa Argamani pronounced in the conversation she had with Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, after his liberation from Gaza. «Not for a minute – Netanyahu replied – did we stop thinking about you and we didn’t give up. I don’t know if you believed it but we didn’t give up.”

The reactions of the families

«The heroic IDF operation that freed and brought home Noa Argamani, Shlomi Ziv, Andrey Kozlov and Almog Meir Jan is a miraculous triumph. Now, with the joy that overwhelms Israel, the government must remember its commitment to bring back all 120 hostages still held by Hamas: the living for rehabilitation, the killed for burial.” This was declared by the Hostages’ Families Forum. «We continue to call on the international community to exert the necessary pressure on Hamas to accept the proposed agreement and release the other 120 hostages held captive. Every day is one day too many.” Noa has already hugged her father again in a video circulating on social media.


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