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Russia captured NATO THeMIS combat robot after bounty placed on Moscow: what happens now

There Russia she managed to take possession of the robot from combat American THeMISa weapon that BORN donated toUkraine as an instrument of defense and which had long aroused great interest in Moscow, to the point of placing a cut to capture him. The THeMIS, produced by Milrem Robotics, is a multi-role unmanned ground vehicle, used for mine clearance and cargo transport missions. Representing a strategic asset, now that the Russian army is in possession of it there is growing concern about the possible risks arising, both in terms of possible technological developments and potential exposure of the positions of Ukrainian operators.

The THeMIS robot: why capture by Russia is worrying

The importance of this robot for the Russia is such as to put a on it cut. During the conflict, the Ukrainian army actively employed 15 units of THeMISintended for demining missions and transport of goods.

These vehicles without pilotdonated through a charity, have been critical to military operations since September 2022.

The THeMIS robot is considered a strategic war instrument: the Russian bounty is worth 2 million rubles

The manufacturing company declared their initial use for the evacuation of victims and the transport of materials. Their presence on the battlefield significantly improved the Army’s operational capability during the conflict.

The Russian bounty on the THeMIS robot

On different channels Telegram Russians have released images of a possible example of the THeMIS robot. This model, manufactured by Estonian-based and Emirati-owned Milrem Robotics, was previously rated at a million rubles (equivalent to approximately 11 thousand dollars).

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However, in February this year, the bounty value increased to two million rubles (about 22 thousand dollars).

What THeMIS is and how it works

THeMIS is an automated and versatile ground vehicle, without pilot And multirole (a characteristic summarized by the acronym UGV), and aims to reduce the commitment of troops in the field.

Purchased by 16 nations, it is a 750 kg remote-controlled tracked drone, with hybrid propulsion, which offers up to 10 hours of operation and 90 minutes in silent mode.

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With a platform for carrying cargo and weapons, it increases the mobility of troops, reducing the load and providing additional firepower.

What Russia will do with the THeMIS robot

Moscow has acquired crucial technology with THeMIS: Russia’s use of this robot presents risks for NATO.

Experts fear that it could lead to alternative developments in the design of military tools, especially when it comes to sensors and encryption.

Even if Moscow fails to access the robot’s secrets, the Russians could still improve their technological countermeasures. Furthermore, sensitive information stored in the vehicle could be used to locate Ukrainian operators.

Photo source: ANSA

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