Italy 24 Press News

Israel – Hamas at war, today’s news live | Israel and Hamas on the UN “black list” for violations of children’s rights. Tel Aviv: «Shameful»

Source Egypt: «Despite the negotiations, Israel does not give in on anything»

It was May 7th when an Israeli tank hoisted a blue and white flag on the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing with Egypt, giving a tragic turning point to the situation of the population of the Strip. Since then, says an Egyptian security source on the border, «Israel remains intransigent, keeping the passage on the Palestinian side closed, preventing the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza and also preventing the exit of injured and sick Palestinians, foreigners and people with dual nationality.”

Humanitarian aid, medical devices, food aid, medicines and fuel – adds the source – are piled up in the warehouses of the Egyptian Red Crescent in North Sinai, and the queues of thousands of trucks full of various humanitarian aid in front of the Rafah terminal on the Egyptian side are now part of the landscape.

The streets of the towns of Al-Arish, Rafah and Sheikh Zuweid are also cluttered, where heat and dust, especially in recent days at over 40 degrees, have given no respite, causing the deterioration of a large part of the loads. Even today, as in recent days, 200 trucks were prepared in Egyptian Rafah and sent to the Kerem Shalom crossing to subsequently enter Gaza. Israel, however, does not allow the entry of all aid, but – reports the source, confirmed by various NGOs that have carried out inspections on the border in recent days -, rejects some of it without any reason or reasonable justification.

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