Italy 24 Press News

Russia plans to deploy planes and ships in the Caribbean: pure propaganda, but ‘estote parati’

It is not a political fantasy novel, it is everyday reality. American intelligence agencies suspect that the government of Cuba has recently approved landings of ships and vehicles of the Russia on the communist island. Catalyst: An incident last year, when an American nuclear submarine docked at the naval base of Guantanamo Baygreatly irritating the regime of Miguel Díaz-Canel.

But the news is different: Russia plans, in the coming weeks, to deploy fighter planes and ships in the Caribbean Sea, precisely in that area, a few miles from the US coasts.

Is another front opening up, far from Europe? No, the maneuvers planned by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation should not be considered an act of war against Washington. None retaliation in response to the massive intervention, with tens of billions and thousands of weapons and missiles sent toUkraine by the United States and its allies. Moscow will carry out military exercises, certainly symbolic, with Miami in the background.

Propagandapure psyops (psychological operations), symmetrical to the war-mongering marketing usually practiced by the Atlantic Alliance. Suffice it to remember that only a few weeks ago the Born staged the largest military exercise in Europe since the Cold War, “Steadfast Defender”: 41,000 soldiers from 32 member countries and fifty warships, in the territories between Poland, Germany and the Baltic countries, to simulate a rapid response in the event of an attack by part of Russia (which Putin is careful not to implement). Russian military exercises, in comparison, will be very small.

Yet, in the Caribbean there is no NATO, e.g it has nothing to do with it. So joint air and sea maneuvers in the Western Hemisphere by Russia are, in fact, a clear message to Washington. The Biden administration, drowned up to its neck on fronts with the potential for daily escalation in Israel and Ukraine, the president at the mercy of evident signs of cognitive decline, does not seem at the moment worried for the deployment of Russian planes and ships a few miles from Florida.

Moscow’s “communication tactics”, the Pentagon defines them. Exactly one psyopsfor domestic purposes, so as to show the Russian people Moscow’s military projection capabilities even far away, exploiting America below its navel.

Yet, as I said in my book Third World warvarious underground rumors have been circulating for some time, especially in Latin America, from which one can understand how these Russian Caribbean exercises could have a different value. Latin American sources evoke Russia’s construction of military installations in Venezuela, the nation with the largest oil reserves in the world (but also a failed country in the hands of the mediocre Nicolas Maduro). Furthermore, the rumor was taken up several times by the state media in Moscow, always for internal use and consumption.

Possible objective: host Russian strategic bombers capable of attacking the continental United States with a flight of just a few hundred kilometers from Caracas. Another detail: a delegation from the Cuban government, a few weeks before the invasion of Ukraine in January 2022, flew to Moscow on a mission to discuss a possible installation of missiles of the Russian Federation in Havana. So does history really repeat itself? Biden and Putin like Kennedy and Khrushchev, in October 1962, a breath away from nuclear war?

Also in the first weeks of 2022, the Pravda spread the surprising news – ignored by the Western press – of a Russian nuclear submarine equipped with atomic weapons just off the east coast of the United States.

Published on the website of the Moscow state organ with the title ‘Russian submarine with 160 warheads on board surfaces off US coast’, the cable read as follows:

The Russian nuclear submarine of the Borey project, carrying sixteen Bulava ballistic missiles on board, unexpectedly appeared off the coast of the United States, causing serious concern in Washington. Each of the missiles in service with the submarine can carry up to ten nuclear warheads. This created an extremely serious danger for the United States, as the American military was unable to track the Russian nuclear submarine (…). A submarine of this class can destroy most of the territory of the United States of America in a few minutes. Russian nuclear submarines will be able to constantly patrol the waters near the US coast in case Russia decides to build a naval base in Cuba or Venezuela, as representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry previously said.

What to say? Without rhetoric or partisanship, everyone should make their own considerations. And draw them appropriate conclusions. I must make a final confession: evaluating the scenarios implicit in this information, I was reminded of the motto chosen by the Freemason Lord Baden Powell for the scouts, of which I was a member as a boy (of the scouts, not of the freemasonry): “Estate wallpaper”. Yes, we have to be prepared. But with the aim of not doing it manipulate from the plots of the masters of the world who control the military-industrial complex (cit: Ike Eisenhower). The exact opposite.

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