Italy 24 Press News

Ukraine Russia, the latest news today June 4th on Putin’s war. LIVE

Ukrainian forces would have carried out the first attack against Russia using US missiles, after authorization given by Washington: this was stated yesterday by unofficial Russian sources. Shortly before, Moscow had warned the US not to make “calculation errors that could have fatal consequences”. Tajani confirms that Italy will send Samp-T weapon systems to Kiev

Ukrainian forces would have carried out the first attack against Russia using US missiles, after authorization given by Washington: this was stated yesterday by unofficial Russian sources. Shortly before, Moscow had warned the US not to make “calculation errors that could have fatal consequences”. Tajani confirms that Italy will send Samp-T weapon systems to Kievnn



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“,”postId”:”7eedb989-7389-4619-bafb-f538530db391″}],”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2024-06-04T05:59:55.391Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-04T07:59:55+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Capo difesa Oslo: “Nato ha 3 anni per prepararsi contro Russia””,”content”:”

Il capo delle forze armate della Norvegia, Eirik Kristoffersen, ritiene che la Nato abbia una finestra di due o tre anni per prepararsi prima che la Russia ricostruisca le sue capacità per poter sferrare un possibile attacco convenzionale. Lo riporta l’agenzia di stampa americana Bloomberg, sottolineando che si tratta di un lasso di tempo più breve di quello stimato da diversi funzionari occidentali nelle valutazioni sulla guerra in Ucraina. 

“,”postId”:”b45e836c-9fcf-48cf-88e6-6bf2751c6b52″},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-04T05:46:26.600Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-04T07:46:26+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Mar Baltico, tensioni Russia-Nato sui confini e rischio di una “gray zone”: cosa sappiamo”,”content”:”

Il ministero della Difesa russo avrebbe proposto di modificare le coordinate geografiche che definiscono alcuni suoi confini marittimi nel Mar Baltico. La notizia nei giorni scorsi ha sollevato allarme e preoccupazione, ma Mosca ha minimizzato: non si tratterebbe infatti di nuove linee di base ma di un aggiornamento cartografico di quelle già esistenti. LEGGI QUI

“,”postId”:”18a0c0ed-9b10-45f5-9e1d-d84b9a0b0360″},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-04T05:37:59.433Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-04T07:37:59+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Mosca, attaccata una base militare ucraina nell’est”,”content”:”

Le forze armate russe hanno attaccato una struttura militare della Guardia nazionale ucraina a Dnipropetrovsk nelle prime ore del mattino. Lo riferisce Ria Novosti citando il coordinatore militare locale. Dal canto suo il governatore regionale ucraino Sergei Lysak conferma l’attacco ma riferisce che ad essere colpiti sono stati dei condomini e strutture civili. La contraerea ha abbattuto due missili e i detriti hanno ferito alcuni civili, tra cui un neonato di un mese. 

“,”postId”:”dd022611-8621-484b-b19d-d3edc29cd912″},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-04T04:49:25.484Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-04T06:49:25+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:” Tajani: “Nel nuovo pacchetto per Kiev invieremo Samp-T””,”content”:”

“E’ noto che noi invieremo un altro pacchetto, passeremo certamente attraverso l’informazione del Copasir perché è ancora riservato il contenuto delle armi che inviamo. E’ un segreto che venne posto da Draghi e Crosetto ha detto che siamo disposti a toglierlo, ma si sa che invieremo Samp-T che è uno strumento di difesa aerea, quindi di protezione che ci ha chiesto la stessa Ucraina, non è nessun segreto”. Lo ha detto il ministro degli Esteri Antonio Tajani a Zapping su Radio1. “Stiamo lavorando per questo, noi abbiamo soltanto detto che non invieremo soldati in Ucraina e che le armi italiane non potranno essere usate in Russia”. 

“,”postId”:”8336d86c-0eed-4c83-a18d-fa159d69154f”},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-04T04:48:57.129Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-04T06:48:57+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Sanzioni Usa contro l’Iran per i droni alla Russia”,”content”:”

Il Dipartimento di Stato americano comunica che Washington ha imposto sanzioni a “quattro entità e un individuo iraniani collegati allo sviluppo, alla produzione e alla proliferazione di veicoli aerei senza pilota che il regime” di Tehran “fornisce alla Russia e suoi partner per prolungare il conflitto” in Ucraina “e destabilizzare la regione”. Il portavoce del dipartimento Matthew Miller spiega che tali misure “sono state emesse in concomitanza con l’imposizione di sanzioni da parte dell’Ue contro individui ed entità coinvolte nell’industria iraniana” dei droni. Miller specifica che le misure Usa colpiscono quattro entità associate alla compagnia Rayan Roshd Afzar e un dirigente dell’Iran Aviation Industries Organization.

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Ukrainian forces would have carried out the first attack against Russia using US missiles, after authorization given by Washington: this was stated yesterday by unofficial Russian sources. Shortly before, Moscow had warned the US not to make “calculation errors that could have fatal consequences”. Tajani confirms that Italy will send Samp-T weapon systems to Kiev


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20 minutes ago

Defense chief Oslo: “Nato has 3 years to prepare against Russia”

The head of Norway’s armed forces, Eirik Kristoffersen, believes that NATO has a two- to three-year window to prepare before Russia rebuilds its capabilities to launch a possible conventional attack. This was reported by the American news agency Bloomberg, underlining that this is a shorter period of time than that estimated by several Western officials in their assessments of the war in Ukraine.

33 minutes ago

Baltic Sea, Russia-NATO tensions on the borders and risk of a “gray zone”: what we know

The Russian Defense Ministry has reportedly proposed changing the geographical coordinates that define some of its maritime borders in the Baltic Sea. In recent days, the news has raised alarm and concern, but Moscow has downplayed it: in fact, it is not a question of new baselines but of a cartographic update of the existing ones. READ HERE

42 minutes ago

Moscow, a Ukrainian military base in the east was attacked

Russian armed forces attacked a Ukrainian National Guard military facility in Dnipropetrovsk in the early hours of the morning. Ria Novosti reports this, citing the local military coordinator. For his part, the Ukrainian regional governor Sergei Lysak confirms the attack but reports that apartment buildings and civilian structures were hit. Anti-aircraft fire shot down two missiles and the debris injured some civilians, including a one-month-old baby.


Tajani: “In the new package for Kiev we will send Samp-T”

“It is known that we will send another package, we will certainly pass through the Copasir information because the contents of the weapons we send are still confidential. It is a secret that was placed by Draghi and Crosetto said that we are willing to remove it, but it is known that we will send Samp-T which is an air defense instrument, therefore the protection that Ukraine itself asked us for, it is no secret”. Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said this on Zapping on Radio1. “We are working for this, we have only said that we will not send soldiers to Ukraine and that Italian weapons cannot be used in Russia”.


US sanctions against Iran for drones to Russia

The US State Department announces that Washington has imposed sanctions on “four Iranian entities and one individual linked to the development, production and proliferation of unmanned aerial vehicles that the regime” in Tehran “provides to Russia and its partners to prolong the conflict “in Ukraine” and destabilize the region. Department spokesman Matthew Miller explains that these measures “were issued in conjunction with the imposition of sanctions by the EU against individuals and entities involved in the Iranian drone industry”. Miller specifies that the US measures affect four entities associated with the Rayan Roshd Afzar company and an executive of the Iran Aviation Industries Organization.

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