Italy 24 Press News

worked in the Moscow embassy. Tension is rising with the Kremlin

Rishi Sunak’s British government today announced the expulsion of the military attaché at the Russian embassy in London, on the grounds that he was an “undeclared” intelligence officer of the Moscow Armed Forces (GRU). . The measure comes against the backdrop of escalating tensions and cross-sanctions triggered by the war between Russia and Ukraine.

The spy

The announcement was made in the future by the Home Secretary, James Cleverly, in a statement which stated that the military attache “will be expelled”.

And it is accompanied by other restrictive measures taken by the Tory government against Moscow’s diplomatic headquarters in the United Kingdom. In particular, the package provides for the revocation of the diplomatic status of some detached properties belonging to the embassy, ​​in particular a country residence in the county of Sussex (southern England) which according to London would have been used for “espionage” activities . As well as the unilateral reduction of the duration of diplomatic visas issued to Russian representatives. This is a response to the intensification of Moscow’s “malign activity” in the United Kingdom and continental Europe, Cleverly argued, echoing complaints recently relaunched from London as well as from other capitals of NATO allied countries.

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High voltage

The reference, as regards the island, is in particular to the arson of an unspecified Ukrainian-owned “aid” warehouse which occurred on the outskirts of London in March and denounced a couple of weeks ago by the Sunak government as a operation conducted for the benefit of “a hostile state”, i.e. Russia. Fire for which two alleged perpetrators were arrested, both British citizens suspected of having been recruited via the Internet by Russian emissaries linked to the private militia of the Wagner Group (considered a terrorist organization in the Kingdom) and some alleged accomplices indicted for minor crimes. (TO


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