Italy 24 Press News

At this point at the university you only have Mein Kampf studied

Given the depressing state of education in the world’s most prestigious universities, the effects of which are manifested in the increasingly violent anti-Semitic protests, I come forward with a proposal that may perhaps resolve this age-old problem. It would be appropriate for it to find a place in university programs the study of Mein KampfAdolf Hitler’s fundamental work, manifesto of modern anti-Semitism.

However, a study not aimed at understanding the risks and terrible degenerations of anti-Semitism, no sir, but rather useful for giving obsessed students a solid cultural basis on which to base their protests and justify their drinking. If the results of the canonical study plans are there for all to see, I think it appropriate to make some changes, so at least the anti-Semitic protests that inflame universities around the world would have a cultural justification.

The arguments underlying the demonstrations are decidedly weak; they need to be given a solid basis so that they become eligible. Not justifiable according to logic, never, but at least they have some point of reference. Phrases such as “Israel is a genocidal state” they need the cultural support that only a work like the Mein Kampf can give. I quote sentences taken from the text itself to demonstrate what I am saying: “[L’Ebreo] he was never a nomad but always a parasite in the body of other nations.

Is this perhaps not a similar concept to what they advocate the most fanatical demonstrators when they claim that the Jews exist by “parasitizing” a nation that is not theirs and moreover stolen from those who previously resided there? It’s still: “Its spread throughout the world is a typical phenomenon of all parasites; he is always looking for fresh food for his breed”. It appears to be a reference to the rapacious nature of the state of Israel towards the poor persecuted Palestinians. Perhaps this is why Hitler was so friendly with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, the supreme Palestinian religious entity.

Well, if Protestant students were to quote phrases like these from Hitler’s repertoire by heart, they would absolutely benefit from it and would be much more erudite than they appear. Instead of crowd of beggars they resemble today they would assume the air of acute intellectuals! But it’s not over. There is other material to draw from, again from the pen of the German dictator. If you read it carefully Gemlich letter, written by a young Hitler, there are many useful quotes for our students. For example: “Everything that men pursue as a higher goal, be it religion, socialism, democracy, for the Jew means only an end, the way to satisfy his lust for gold and domination.” And then, as a final crescendo:The ultimate goal must, however, be the irrevocable removal of Jews in general.

It really seems like a cultured version of the recurring “Free free Palestine!”, i.e. expel the Jews from that land once and for all. Well, if the student masses took Hitler’s works as a reference and cited them in their slogans, the protest would certainly take on a higher tone. Considering that the thoughts and concepts are very similar to those of the most intense Nazi-style anti-Semitismyou might as well have them study the original version.

Therefore, turning to the Magnificent Rectors, I ask: included in the study programs Mein Kampf and Hitler’s works as valid tools for acculturating students, so as to provide a valid cultural basis for their otherwise rather conceptually weak anti-Semitic protests. Another request, still addressed to the Rectors: stop hosting Jewish survivors of the Holocaust for testimonies or to explain what a genocide really is. It is clear that they have failed. Their words were lost in the wind of emotion. They are no longer needed.

Finally, I would like to provide students with a further slogan to attach to the now very hackneyed ones that are heard and read in every procession. I will report it here, in the original language. Make good use of it!

Es genügt nicht… den selben Menschen immer wieder zu töten. This is the first time that the Wesen has experienced more.

Francesco Teodori, 5 May 2024 is also on Whatsapp. Simply click here to subscribe to the channel and always be updated (free)

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