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“The editorial team made fun of it”

The new scoops concern a news already spread in recent weekswhen Novella 2000 began to spread rumors that a couple of the current edition of Temptation Islandwhich had not yet begun at the time, had left the program after just a few days of recording, or rather, the boy and girl in question had been eliminated. According to what was announced by the magazine, everything arose from the fact that one of the girlfriendsand, shocked by the fact that her partner would not show up at an unexpected confrontation bonfire, she would lose her mind, so much so that she felt the need to escape from the girls’ village to infiltrate the boyfriends’ village and be able to have a confrontation with his beloved. The reconnaissance trip would have led to many repercussions for the couple, since she had seriously broken the rules of the program, so much so as to lead to their immediate elimination. This is because in addition to violating the rules they also tried to make fun of the editorial staff of the program.

The Temptation couple teased the editorial team

The authors and the couple in question would have immediately ended up at loggerheads. It would have been the actor Biagio D’Anelli who revealed it: “If it is true that two boyfriends were eliminated? Yes, I know things and you will also find it in the weekly New TV and here I say it as a preview, here I anticipate a little something that will be revealed next week. I know that This eliminated couple made fun of the editorial staff a bit“. The actor at this point praises the work of Fascino productions, explaining the great commitment behind it: “Why then make fun of such a serious and capable editorial team and above all so attentive. Those at Fascino know how to work well and it’s not a gimmick, they are good at what they do. Trying to make fun of them is crazy. Then these two were discovered and when they went there in Sardinia they found a serious production that he told them ‘you have to go’. As if I were going to Men and women to say that I want to find the woman of my life and then out I have eight different relationships. The editorial team notices everything”! I know the authors there and I know how much they work and how capable they are”. Finally, D’Anelli hopes to see some new things starting from the next episode: “I’m waiting for other little altars. Overall I love that show, but I prefer it from the second episode. At first everyone loves their partner and then their partner from the second one everyone starts seeing his abs and goes crazy. I have appreciated it a lot since the second one. Then remember that the authors do a great job and It’s not that they hire people at random, there’s always a criterion valid for the choice. They choose people who already have problems or cracks in their vessel. And rightly so, at least you either heal the vase or break it completely and move on.”

Who is the accused couple?

After these last declarations, the meeting began toto-names on who the couple in question could be. Despite the considerable friction and the large amount of memes produced, the public does not think that it could be Raul and Martinaso long as the problems and jealousies come above all from the boyand according to rumors in recent weeks, the one who created problems would be a girl. Some think it is Tony e Jennybut at the moment It seems like she wants to continue without being influenced from the boy’s bad behavior. The obvious choice, especially given the fact that actually she requested a confrontation bonfire which was not accepted from the partner, they would be Alessia and Lino. He played with fire in the first episode, but from the previews of the second there doesn’t seem to be a possible retirement or elimination in sight. Cthat the production omitted the detail in the trailer to avoid confirming the leaked rumors in advance? We’ll just have to wait to find out.

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