Italy 24 Press News

rude to the winner of the GF

On the train to an event, the actress allegedly voluntarily avoided traveling in the same carriage as Mirko Brunetti and his partner: what happened

Peter Guerrini

Content editor

Degree in Literature, longing for travel and passion for cartoons (pizza and Pixar).

Beatrice Luzzi does not forgive. The Roman actress, apparently, has not yet digested the bitter (and unexpected) defeat at the Big Brotherbut above all the attitude of her former housemates towards her. On her way to a charity event, in fact, the “moral winner” of the GF he would have intentionally avoided meeting the other ex gieffini present, including Perla Vatiero e Mirko Brunetti. Let’s find out what happened.

Beatrice Luzzi vs Perla Vatiero: the dig

Yesterday evening Thursday 27 June 2024 the new edition of “Al chiaro di luna” was held at the Palace Hotel in Milano Marittima,charity event organized by the magazine Chi which brings together over two hundred guests including personalities from the world of entertainment, entrepreneurs and associations to raise funds for pediatrics in Emilia-Romagna. Among the guests at the 2024 Charity Dinner Gala organized by the weekly magazine Alfonso Signorini there were, as expected, also many former faces of the Big Brotheramong which Beatrice Luzzi.

The runner-up of the last edition of the GFas always, has kept its users updated follower on social media talking about this event, before getting on the train to Milano Marittima. According to rumors, however, on the same train there would have been also Pearl Vatiero e Mirko Brunetti, who were also invited to the charity event. Once she arrived at her destination, Beatrice shared on X and video very particular, updating her fans after the trip: “I’m not lost! Here I am, I’ve arrived, I’m here too” explained the actress, adding a (probable) dig: “I simply went to another compartment for obvious reasons! What?

Apparently, therefore, Perla Vatiero e Mirko Brunetti (and perhaps other former contestants of the Big Brother) were located in the same carriage by Beatrice Luzzi, who would have intentionally decided to change places to sit to avoid contact with the contestants with whom he had many disagreements during the last edition of the Canale 5 reality show.

The actress’s request and the precedent

Furthermore, further proof of what happened could have come from one report arrived on Amedeo Venza’s profile. The gossip expert relaunched the words of an anonymous person who took part in the event: “I was there backstage and Beatrice specifically asked not to see her former colleagues Big Brother“.

For Beatrice Luzzi this is certainly not the first time: already last March, shortly after the finale of Big Brotherthe actress – evidently still with a grudge – had decided to Don’t attend the party organized by Signorini’s former housemates from reality show.

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