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One Piece 2, Here Are the Actors of Smoker, Tashigi, Wapol and Dalton! Netflix Announcement

The second season of the live-action of One Piece continues to take shape! In the next episodes of the Netflix series it will adapt one of the most important and beloved narrative arcs of Eiichiro Oda’s manga and the related anime, and at this point the wait is obviously all for the actors who will have to give faces to some fundamental characters.

After announcing the Baroque Works actors in One Piece 2, Netflix has now broken the ice on other four highly anticipated characters by fans and destined to make their debut in the next episodes of the show: the names, at this point, are certainly not a mystery.

The latest new entries in the One Piece cast are Callum Kerr, who will play the role of SmokerJulia Rehwald (Tashigi), Rob Colletti (Wapol) and Ty Keogh (Dalton): these are, as manga and anime fans surely know, characters who will play crucial roles in the events of Drum first and then Alabasta, on which we now know the second season of the Netflix live-action show will focus.

The wait, at this point, is all for characters like Kureha (by the way, Jamie Lee Curtis might not be available, despite the many rumors), Bibi and Nico Robin: so far, however, Netflix deserves credit for not having made a single mistake in this regard.

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