Italy 24 Press News

Sansa, if Primocanale changes the sofa, will it also let the Democratic Party come into the living room? –

The regional councilor Ferruccio Sansa writes on social media, addressing none other than the “Centro-Lenistra”, an entity which is also difficult to configure and has shifting boundaries: “Just go to Bruno Vespa and Primocanale!” and he also places an exclamation point on it, as if he were pronouncing this diktat by raising the tone of his voice. He adds to the injunction, illustrating the “baseness” of these “political salons”, that, as regards the specific Primocanale, the TV of which I was director for ten years and for which I collaborate as a columnist, it is a local broadcaster that I respect at Porta a Porta it is “… on a smaller scale”, defining the studio in the land registry as “an Ikea living room”. Of course, the aforementioned councilor as a good representative of the chic left is used to very different living rooms… other than the Ikeas that furnish public housing, perhaps even those of workers (a category probably unknown to Sansa, but which still exists and resists).

In short, he really doesn’t like this Ikea and for many, many years. Maybe you didn’t feel comfortable with the Ektorp sofas? Or did he have affairs with the Poang armchair? Did he twist his hip on the Herrakra or did he not fall asleep after lunch on the Strandmon?

He then explains to the “living rooms without Ektorp” that just as Porta a Porta is TeleMeloni, so the Genoese living room is TeleToti, or rather even Casa Toti. “It’s time to say enough!” he thunders, suggesting to TeleEktorp-Primocanale-Casa-Toti-catasto-salottino, who concluded the interviews with the arrested president before they arrested him, having no other plans, to “dedicate himself to the promotion of mattresses and callus files”. As far as mattresses are concerned, we hope Dolce Dormire will intervene resolutely. I am not currently informed about files for calluses: perhaps if councilor Sansa could be more precise in one of his political interventions in the regional council, also providing the astonished Ligurians with the addresses and rates of these callus and callus artisans, we could avoid to lie down aching on the mattresses after listening to the gist of his pugnacious opposition program which, yes we must admit, has returned Liguria to Totism in 2020.

I ask myself as a retired journalist and as a Ligurian who voted for the left before one day she was discovered by Sansa, but also, I confess, as an absolute enthusiast of Ikea furniture, who you turn to with the “television suggestion” and above all with what authority. Does it enjoin the Center-Left as a whole? Or identifies above all, as a regular visitor to the “political dining room”, the Democratic Party which, thanks to an exceptional political intuition, indicated it as the leader in the 2020 regional elections after a very heavy dinner, thus marking one of the most memorable post-war defeats of the entire left united (five lists!) and reopening the way to the victory of the right, even in what were once the unbeatable strongholds of the PCI? Don’t go into the living room! he shouts to the terrified citizens. Woe to you!, he insists. They damage the left buttocks! Choose Louis Quinze (Louis XV) salons more suited to the needs and buttocks of the representatives of the proletarian masses! Or does it address all five lists? That is, also on Pastorino’s left and Tosi’s Cinquestelle? In short, I would like to know if the more peremptory “Decretum Sansae” of Pius XII’s excommunication against “the communists” extends beyond the skinned salons of the Region to reach Parliament with its flashes of profound disgust and perhaps even give orders to the combative Luca Pirondini or the calm Lorenzo Basso. Meanwhile, Raffaella Paita has already returned to the sender the order of absolute ban on approaching the furnishings of Valpolcevera.

But now I am very worried about the Democratic Party councilor Armando Sanna, someone who has received a few tons more preferences than the councilor-decorator. Comrade Sanna wrote (the only one to react among the daredevils of the Democratic Party) that as far as he is concerned he will continue to come to Primocanale, sitting on the Ektorp (very comfortable!) and democratically contesting the choices of the Totians and of the right-wing governments, perhaps working to early elections. In short, by opposing. Perhaps distinguishing themselves from some traveling companions as silent as ants. Well, “comrades” so to speak. What could happen to him? What punishments will he risk? Will he be exiled to Ventotene in the footsteps left by Terracini and Spinelli (Altiero off course)? Or forced to listen without interruption to four consecutive years of non-stop speeches from the self-leader of gauche-caviar-permaflex?

I wonder, as I said before, with what authority and consensus Sansa not so much launched her anti-First Channel anathema, which he has been doing for years and is very free to do from early in the morning to late at night, but the order of service to the PD militants. I was absent these days and perhaps I missed the election of him with oceanic consensus as maximum leader of the Ligurian Left. Have they at least informed the local leaders of Schlein’s party?

Yet if I remember correctly, when there was Rai3-Telekabul masterfully directed by Sandro Curzi, between 1987 and 1993, even the liberals frequented that red lounge with the Christian Democrats and no one was worried about getting infected, on the contrary. And the real communists appeared in the Scudocrociate political stands of Rai1, from the time of Palmiro, not giving a damn about the softness of the sofas, but building an opposition based on facts. Perhaps those salons may not have been refined, but Curzi did not hide his faithful observance of the lessons of the PCI. And Andreotti’s or Morotea’s Rai1 was sincerely Christian Democrat. And both networks, after politics, broadcast the commercials of the callifugic Ceccarelli.

Now I hope that the dozens and dozens of excellent and passionate local administrators of the Democratic Party and the left, who make a big deal out of receiving minimal tokens compared to the “pocket money” of Via Fieschi, to the municipal councilors of the valleys and of the hinterland with the roads destroyed by landslides, to the young men and women leaders of the PD sections who are satisfied with the Chiavari chairs patched up as best they can to furnish the places where they really talk about politics, both the historic excommunication of the “leader on the sofa with a sore callus” has escaped. Probably, because these comrades have to work as well as dedicate themselves to politics and have little time available for chatting. I hope that the director of Primocanale invites them, yes, many and many times, into the salons of television politics in the next pre-election months, perhaps bringing a stool from home, to tell what they do, how, with what means, with that help from the Region and, above all, from the opposition which rightly would like to change everything beyond the living rooms. Only them on TV on Primocanale, between a callous and a bird’s eye, explaining what they demand from the Left which does not furnish housing (luckily for me I am meeting many of them, boys and girls!) and which, I sincerely hope, space is reserved entirely for them and not for others, for their stories, their goals, their battles.

Who knows, by entrusting the decisions of the future to these “renovators of politics” the left, which is also recovering in Genoa, hopefully by soon getting rid of the Ubiquitous Useless, will not be able to redeem the many-beaten Liguria.

And now, tired but serene, I rest, given my age, in an armchair at the Asta del Mobile. Changing pillows every now and then always gives positive thrills to an elderly person… Maybe you can try it too, councilor.

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