Italy 24 Press News

“Ready to consult against this law”

Governor Alessandra Todde, her opinion on the Calderoli reform is trenchant.

“It is clear what the objective of the right in government is: to split Italy, weaken the South, increase the gap between the Regions by facilitating the richer ones. An unfair and unjust law.”

Draw a scenario.

“Health, education, transport and citizens’ lives will worsen.”

With the reform you could ask for further delegations.

“Rather we will fight with all the tools against this reform. To defend the Constitution, rights, dignity, equality”.

You already have special status. Isn’t that a privilege?

“But the resources are national. And if they are reduced, they will be less for Sardinia too. It has already happened. So ours is a no”.

Are Leps, Essential Performance Levels, the problem?

“The problem is the reform itself: it is dangerous and has taken shape through an ordinary law with which it claims to undermine the constitutional structure”.

The M5s took to the streets with the Pd and Avs: the ‘Constitutional Front’. A new wide field?

“The streets of Rome have confirmed that our electorates are asking for unity and are tired of seeing the progressive camp split while the right moves together. Let’s start from this battle, and from other shared themes, to build the alternative to the government”.

Will you support the referendum?

“Of course. The M5s will collect signatures. We cannot condemn the future of millions of citizens who live in more disadvantaged areas. And in this battle we will also find allies in the centre-right”.

He also spoke about concrete actions. Which?

“We are ready to challenge the reform in the Constitutional Court, we will use all the means and instruments we have as a Region with an autonomous statute”.

But don’t you think that, in any case, the system should be reformed?

“We can discuss anything, even constitutional reforms. But here the issue is different. There are no benefits, except for someone who tries to build consensus on the backs of the poorest regions.”

You have found a healthcare system at risk of being placed under commissionership.

“I found a blocked Region that looked to the past and wasted public money. We have inherited a complex situation in healthcare. Consider that for two years the healthcare companies had not sent financial statements. Now we have inaugurated a new way of working focused on transparency and the centrality of citizen”.

Impossible not to ask him. Between disappointing results at the European Championships and accusations from founder Grillo… how is the M5S doing?

“Like all parties, it is constantly evolving. But it does not give up the values ​​that differentiate it from all other political forces. We are firmly in the progressive camp and strongly intend to build the alternative to this reactionary government.”

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