Italy 24 Press News

“I don’t shake hands, I put them in the nose” – Libero Quotidiano

On La7

Today, Monday 17 June, at The blowing airthe political talk show broadcast on La7, we returned to talking about the facts reported in the investigation Fanpage on National Youth broadcast a few days ago at A clean sweep. At the center of the media storm, the fascist chants, the hymns to Benito Mussolini, the Roman greetings and the young people with outstretched arms shouting “Present”. In short, behaviors that would celebrate a bit of nostalgia towards the twenty years of fascism. AND David Porechost of the program, with a bit of healthy irony took the opportunity to ask his guest Maurizio Gasparri to show him how it was done gladiatorial salute. And the scene was hilarious.

“I won’t shake hands with him – exclaimed the president of the Forza Italia senators earlier he picked his nose. You can do it like this (squeezing each other’s right forearm, ed) but I prefer a pat on the back”. Maurizio Gasparri, urged by Parenzo, however was keen to point out that he had never done so.

The former communications minister Forza Italia then lashed out against all those who do not want to recognize the communist doctrine as a form of totalitarianism, on a par with fascism and communism. “I have here with me the proposed resolution of the European Parliament voted in 2019 condemning Nazism, fascism and communism – said the senator – So against all totalitarianism. Some in the Democratic Party didn’t vote for it. But this in my opinion – he then concluded – is the correct position that should be taken against totalitarianism”.

The wind blows: the speech by Maurizio Gasparri

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