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GF Vip, Sophie Codegoni caught up with the protagonist of ”Elite”: goodbye Basciano?

The rumors about the crisis between Sophie Codegoni and Alessandro Basciano become reality. The former Big Brother VIP contestant was caught with a well-known Spanish actor.

Sophie Codegoni and Alessandro Basciano are in crisis again? For several weeks now there has been talk of a new estrangement between the two former protagonists of the Big Brother VIP, who after a farewell full of controversy met again for the love of their daughter Celine. Now, however, the crisis seems to have turned into a new breakup as the influencer was seen with a well-known actor of the Netflix TV series “Elite”. Here are the details.

Sophie and Basciano, another crisis

After falling madly in love in the house of Big Brother VIP through thick and thin, Sophie Codegoni And Alessandro Basciano they pressed the accelerator on their relationship and announced cohabitation and pregnancy of the influencer. The couple appeared serene and very happy together, to the delight of their fans who have always believed in this passionate and overwhelming love. There birth of little Celine made the feeling between the two gieffini blossom even more, until Sophie announced the end of the relationship on Instagram, talking about very serious facts. Codegoni said she was deceived and betrayed in the studio of very truein front of a stunned Silvia Toffanin, who then also welcomed Basciano in tears, allowing him to also tell his version of the facts.

After months of battles and spite, all carefully reported on social media to the delight of gossip lovers, the Basciagoni have returned to being a permanent couple but they decided to avoid public announcements, perhaps burned by the abuse of social media and television to talk about their relationship. Then, weeks ago, the frost again and a new crisis on the horizon, which however seemed about to return until Sophie she was not caught in the company of another.

GF Vip, Sophie forgets Basciano with Aron Piper

While we are talking about a strong one crisis with Alessandro Basciano, Sophie Codegoni returns to the center of gossip. The former face of Big Brother VIP, in fact, was pinched in a well-known club together with Aaron Pipermain actor of the Netflix TV series “Elite”. The actor who lends himself to Andre Munoz has been in Italy for a few weeks for work, taking part in various social events in the company of well-known faces in music such as Ghali and Tony Effe. To throw the indiscretion is Deianira Marzano, who received several reports on the closeness between Sophie and Piperamong which there also appears to have been a kiss. For the moment, the influencer is not going out of his way and has not opened the issue on social media, the same thing for Basciano who is focusing on his work commitments as a deejay and did not want to comment on the photos and the spicy indiscretion regarding his daughter.

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