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Andrea Maggi, the college professor writes a letter to the graduates. «Dear kids, show how much you are worth, I hope adults understand»

Andrea Maggi, the professor of Il Collegio, a Rai 2 docu-reality show, in his column in the Gazzettino dedicates a reflection to the students about to face the Maturità exam, the first of many challenges that await them.

Dear high school graduates, after the end of school, you remained in limbo for ten days, but exams will finally begin this week. I’m sure you will be able to demonstrate who you are, despite.
Despite what, you say? Even though the adult world has always worked against you, both when he flattered you and when he mocked you. The most serious mistake adults made towards you, however, was to pity you. Succupied by their own fragilities, they considered you incapable of facing difficulties, therefore they always paved the way for you.

The role of adults

Unfortunately, in doing so, instead of protecting you, they have hindered your growth. No effort, no thoughts, no worries, they lead to nothing. Adults have always spoken for you, thought for you, acted for you, someone even in good faith; but in doing so they canceled you out.
This is where your famous discomfort originates. I’m not surprised if some guys to the first experiences with peers let them do nothing but beat themselves up. When words are lacking, all that is left to express discomfort are hands. Convinced they are protecting you, adults have locked you in a bubble of illusions. The anguish that many of you feel comes precisely from the disconnect between reality and that bubble in which you have lived until today.

What happened to knowledge?

They talked to you about “learning”, when they actually meant “teaching” or “fun”. After all, what can you expect from adults who no longer read and who prepare for teaching exams with videos on YouTube? What happened to knowledge? It is confused with the concept of notion.
Knowledge has acquired a negative, sterile, classist meaning, which must be erased from school. The problem is that knowledge is first and foremost everyone’s right, therefore it has nothing to do with the much hated notions. Therefore, by denying you knowledge, you have in effect been denied a right. Luckily, those smarter among you did not follow the siren song that cajoled you, that they said they were on your side, when in fact they only thought about hiding their responsibilities, or even their personal gain.

Andrea Maggi and the teachers’ archenemies: working mothers, influencers, chats and that obligation to be perfect

The hope and wish for a good Maturity

Many of you have understood the deception and have taken action. You didn’t trust those who taught you to resign yourself to mediocritybut you followed those who were able to passionately convey to you the desire to overcome your own fears, working hard on yourself.
You were able to raise your head and say no to what you didn’t think was right. You have been able to tell all that part of the world of work, the economy, society and politics that is not interested in you, that you don’t like this system. Some of you even got beaten with truncheons. You have even been called subversives by those who wanted to hide the sins of others.
But you didn’t give up. Well done. In 2024 I hope you will be examined by mature, competent and prepared teachers. You strive to demonstrate your maturity. I just hope adults know how to do the same.


Read the full article at
The Gazzettino

Andrea Maggi, the professor of Il Collegio, a docu-reality show on Rai 2, in his column in the Gazzettino dedicates a reflection to the students about to take the exam…

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