Italy 24 Press News

Still little time to request exemption from the Rai license fee: the form to send

There is less and less time left to request exemption from the Rai license fee. Here’s who can do it and how to apply.

The Rai license fee is one of the most discussed taxes and one that many dream of never paying again. What many people ignore is that there is actually the possibility of not paying it. And all by asking for exemption. Obviously, to do this you have to meet certain requirements And apply at the right time.

Here’s how to get exemption from the Rai license fee (

All information that is very important to have in order to be able avoid payment without incurring penalties of any kind. Let’s find out everything there is to know about the Rai license fee and the possibility of eliminating it from living expenses in a simple and immediate way.

How to request exemption from the Rai license fee: exempt categories and how to apply

Let’s start by remembering that the Rai license fee is a tax that is normally compulsory for everyone. This is an indirect tax annual of 70 euros which is paid through the electricity bill and which serves to support the national public radio and television service. That said, there are cases in which it can be avoided.

Rai license fee: who can request exemption (

Indeed, they can ask for exemption The elderly people over 75 years old and that they have a annual income under 8 thousand euros. Added to them are diplomatic and consular agents, soldiers from the Armed Forces or NATO and retailers as well as repairers of TV sets. In the end even those who don’t own a television or another device capable of receiving the radio or television signal can avoid this payment.

But let’s now look at the ways to request the exemption. To do so is possible fill out the forms which are found sthe Revenue Agency website. You can also request information from your CAF in order to understand the procedures. What matters is to move quickly because, depending on the most correct method for your situation, the deadline is soon.

Those who, for example, do not have a television should request exemption in your tax return which must be done precisely in this period. To obtain further information on this matter you can also go to the RAI institutional website or that of the Revenue Agency.

Finally, we would like to remind you that in addition to the possibility of being exempted, you can also ask for a refund for any fees already paid, when in reality you were exempt without knowing it. Also in this case you can act through the Rai website or that of the Revenue Agency.

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