Italy 24 Press News

Meloni da Mentana has a ratings boom: with a 10% share, La7 is in third place

Boom in ratings for Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s guest appearance on Enrico Mentana’s TgLa7. The last ten minutes of the 8pm news program on Wednesday 5 June, which saw Meloni as the protagonist of a face-to-face meeting with the director, caused the share curve to soar to almost 10%, bringing La7 onto the podium after Rai1 and Canale5.

The appearance of the head of government on Urbano Cairo’s television channel suddenly extinguished all the controversy relating to an alleged idiosyncrasy towards La7, confirming the anticipation of the always informed Paolo Mieli and refuting the skepticism of Corrado Formigli, doubtful on possible guest appearances by Giorgia Meloni before the European elections.

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Meloni and Mentana discussed various hot topics, including healthcare and the 500 million allocated to the southern regions to purchase machinery; the agreement on migrants with Albania; Ukraine and the importance of “deterrence for building peace”. There was also room for some jokes between the host and the guest when the former joked about the “incontinence” reproached by Lilli Gruber a few weeks earlier. In this regard, great audience for TgLa7 but also – to follow for Otto e mezzo hosted by the South Tyrolean journalist, who had the leader of the League Matteo Salvini as a guest.

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With the head of the Northern League urged on by the presenter and Massimo Giannini, Otto e mezzo reached peaks of 10% share, the third most watched program in its time slot, after Striscia la Notizia and Techetechetè. The television appearances of the Head of Government and the Deputy Prime Minister also aroused enormous interest and outcry on social media, so much so that they overshadowed Vasco Rossi’s concert on Rai1 and the final of the Island of the Famous on Canale5. In addition to guaranteeing excellent feedback for the La7 evening in the range between 8.00pm and 9.30pm. Also worth mentioning, again on 5 June, are the excellent results of Porta a Porta hosted by Bruno Vespa on Rai1, the second most watched program in the late evening against the very fierce final rush of the Island.

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