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who are Syria and Matteo

Temptation Island 2024 is getting closer and the cast is starting to take shape. The final will be broadcast tomorrow, Wednesday 5 June 2024 The Island of the Famousbut from next week the summer program hosted by Filippo Bisciglia will inherit it slots of Canale 5 reality shows. With the starting line getting ever closer, therefore, Temptation Island has decided to start revealing the first names. In fact, yesterday evening, the social profiles of the show announced the participation of Syria Pingo And Matteo Vitali. Let’s find out who they are and all the details on the first couple.

Temptation Island 2024: who are Syria Pingo and Matteo Vitali

Yesterday evening Monday 3 June 2024, as anticipated, the official social profiles of Temptation Island they have announced there first couple which will take part in the 2024 edition, starting next June 13th on Canale 5: Syria Pingo And Matteo Vitali.

Syria, 22 years old, is an administrative employee from Gela but resident in Massa Carrara. The girl has been with Matteo since 30 December 2017 and she confessed to having contacted the program hosted by Filippo Bisciglia to undertake the famous “journey into feelings” and understand how her boyfriend lived his physical change: “I’m Syria, I’m 22 years old and I’ve been with my boyfriend Matteo for seven years. Why did I decide to write to Temptation Island? Because in recent years I have changed from every point of view and now I want to understand if who I am today is still okay with him. My change? Even aesthetic. Until two years ago I weighed 130 kg and I lost 85 kg. Now I really want to have fun, as well as show who I am today“.

Matteo he admitted that he noticed the change, but remained amazed upon discovering that Syria had contacted the editorial staff of Temptation Island: “Everyone looks at her, everyone buzzes around her. So this thing bothers me a lot to be honest. I actually didn’t want to participate in Temptation Island And I was surprised when she decided to write to the program. Also because in our relationship everything is fine, at least for me.”

The first controversies

The announcement of the first couple of Temptation Island 2024 has already sparked the first controversies on social media, where many fans immediately discovered some unconvincing details about Suria and Matteo. Apparently, in fact, things were going badly between the two boys several months ago, as some ‘old’ posts published by the girl on her Facebook profile were dug up. “I’m looking for a guy who doesn’t follow 1899 females on Instagram comm a nu rattus”, she reads in a message. Before that, she had posted a new polemical thought by publishing an image of Spongebob hugging nothing and the comment: “Me and the people who told me they would stay with me”.

When it starts Temptation Island

After a year of absence, last year Temptation Island is back in the schedule of Channel 5 and his return was a sensational one success, marking the highest Auditel average ever in the program’s history as well as the most watched premiere. Here’s why, come on Thursday June 13, 2024Mediaset will focus heavily on the 12th edition of the reality show by Fascino (Maria De Filippi’s company), especially after the ratings crisis of The Island of the Famous.

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