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“We will say goodbye…” Caterina Balivo announced on social media

Caterina Balivo with polka dots –

In the last few hours Caterina Balivo has posted an announcement on social media in which she talks about saying goodbye. But what is it?

Bailiff –

Caterina Balivohost of La volta Buona, seems to be ready for a big change. In these last hours, however, it seems that the woman is gathering all the fruits of his hard work even leading home to a real revenge. In fact, they were getting louder and louder than one probable closure of the program conducted by you although, following the results obtained, it seems that RAI could even change the cards on the table.

Caterina Balivo ready to greet everyone, here’s what’s happening

During the day of Monday 20 May, Caterina Balivo was able to record a real listening boom. In fact, the presenter took home an 18.40% share, a real seasonal record. In this way she wanted to send a very strong signal to the top management of Viale Mazzini TV who were even starting to think about closing the program precisely because it was not achieving the agreed results. Most likely, given the results, La volta bene could also be reconfirmed.

Caterina Balivo made her return to the TV in Viale Mazzini just last fall. After having had an experience that was not at all positive on La 7, the presenter began her work on La volta Buona within the space in the programming that once belonged to Serena Bortone with Oggi è un’altro giorno.

Often the program was at the center of criticism precisely because of unsatisfactory results since, in most cases, she had not been able to exceed 10% share. But in a very short time Caterina Balivo managed to improve its performance thus raising the audience curve.

The Auditel data, whose average is around 14%, did not seem to be sufficient to confirm the show once again. In fact, RAI seemed intent on finding a solution and therefore on replace The good time even though it’s only been a year since it was first broadcast.

Caterina Balivo –

On May 20, however, Caterina Balivo was able to obtain an 18.4% share, a signal that will thus push the Rai top management re-evaluate the fate of the program once again. In the last few hours Caterina Balivo has posted a shot on social media which also includes a caption: “Today, yesterday and the day before yesterday. May 31st we will say goodbye In the meantime, write to me your favorite moments and guests and I’ll read it to you.”

In fact, it seems that the television season for The Good Time is destined to end on May 31st. A photo that was commented on by a large number of followers just as Caterina Balivo herself had asked for. In fact, there are those who wrote: “Will we say goodbye? Nooo I was hoping for June….Caterina won’t leave us, she’ll be back in September. With you my afternoons are colorfully happy” or “It’s impossible to choose. Up to now you have all had distinguished guests. However, beautiful Caterina, you are always a delight for the eyes.”

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