“Poor things! They put the red chair on me”

“Poor things! They put the red chair on me”
“Poor things! They put the red chair on me”

“Poor things! They have no content, they live on ghosts”: Alexandra Mussolini he said it in David Parenzo’s studio at The Air That Blows on La7 referring to the Anpi party in Bologna attended by all the left-wing exponents, Elly Schlein, Giuseppe Conte, Angelo Bonelli, Nicola Fratoianni. But also the exponents of +Europa and Rifondazione. With all the opposition leaders on stage, the president of the Anpi Gianfranco Pagliaruolo said: “We are meeting on the basis of two principles: defense of the Constitution anti-fascism”. While the secretary of the Pd commented: “We have many reasons to be here together”.

A guest of Parenzo, the Forza Italia member complained at one point saying: “Do you know what they did here? During the commercial, because that is an commercial, it was not a service, they changed my chair because it was not red enough, they want to provoke me“. The reference was to the report aired shortly before on the ANPI party. “But no – the host immediately corrected her -. They changed the chair because it was broken, an incredible thing”.

Here is Alessandra Mussolini’s speech at L’Aria che tira

Announcing her arrival in the studio shortly before, Parenzo had said: “Here she is, arriving as a prima donna, happy with the French result?”. A question relating to the elections on Sunday 30 June, which will be followed by the second round on Sunday 7 July. “Well, it’s a half a scam…”replied Mussolini, thus surprising the journalist and his guests.

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