Municipal elections in Valnerina, the new mayor is decided in 9 municipalities | I strip it

Municipal elections in Valnerina, the new mayor is decided in 9 municipalities | I strip it
Municipal elections in Valnerina, the new mayor is decided in 9 municipalities | I strip it

There are six municipalities in the Valnerina in which the new mayor will be elected today: in addition to the capital Norcia, there are Preci, Cerreto di Spoleto, Sellano, Vallo di Nera and Sant’Anatolia di Narco. The counting is underway, with live updates.

To Arrone Fabio Di Gioia confirmed as mayor with the only list remaining in the running after the exclusion of Tomas Nardini from the list “Alternative for Arrone”.

The first mayors have already been elected, such as a Vallo di Nera where Agnese Benedetti was confirmed.

Elections in Norcia, the counting

In Norcia there are 4 candidates for mayor, as many as there are polling stations set up. Voter turnout was 78.91% of eligible voters, slightly lower than that of the European elections (80.03%). Competing are: Nicola Alemanno (Respect for Norcia), Giuliano Boccanera (United Norcia), Francesco Filippi (Rebuild Norcia) and Cristina Sensi (Libera Norcia).

Elections in Preci, the counting

There are three candidates for mayor for Preci: Angelo Chierici (Together for Preci), the outgoing mayor Massimo Messi (United for Preci) and Biundo Salvatore known as Marcantonio (autonomous Umbria).

Elections in Cerreto di Spoleto, the count

Also in Cerreto di Spoleto there are three aspiring mayors: Gino Emili (Impegno Comune), already mayor of Cascia several times; Stefano Martinelli (autonomous Umbria); the outgoing mayor Giandomenico Montesi (Together to Grow).

Elections in Sellano, the count: Gubbiotti towards reconfirmation

However, there are two candidates for mayor in Sellano. Stefania Cascioli (Agreement for Sellano) challenges the outgoing mayor Attilio Gubbiotti (Sellano We continue to grow). With 2 out of 4 seats counted, Gubbiotti is ahead, at 89.5%.

Elections in Vallo di Nera, Agnese Benedetti confirmed

In Vallo di Nera Agnese Benedetti (Continuiamo per Crescere) is confirmed as mayor with 97.74% of the preferences. Her list includes 7 councilors. She stops at 2.26% but will be able to count on 3 seats with her challenger, Fulvio Carlo Maiorca (Forza Nuova).

Elections in Sant’Anatolia di Narco, the count

In Sant’Anatolia di Narco there are 3 candidates for mayor: the outgoing Tullio Fibraroli (United for Sant’Anatolia), Gian Luca Valeriani (Future and innovations) and Lanfranco Egisto Tani (Sant’Anatolia Nuova).

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