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Who is Leonardo Apache, the son of Ignazio La Russa accused of sexual assault

Leonardo Apache La Russa he is the third son of the president of the Senate Ignatius LaRussa. She is 19 years old and has been studying in London for two years. Like the other sons of the lawyer and politician, one of the founders of Fratelli d’Italia, its name is inspired by Native Americans. The older brothers are called Geronimo and Lorenzo Cochis, the first, born in 1980, is the son of Marika Cattare, Lorenzo and Leonardo were born instead in 1995 and 2005 and are children of Laura De Cicco, current wife of La Russa.

With the stage name of Larus, Leonardo Apache La Russa, he recorded some songs. The genres are rap and trap. In a song, Underestimated, he says: “I’m all crazy, I’m all stoned, I’m all crazy, but I’ll fuck you even without a story.” The father, on the microphones of Radio Capital, commented: «Don’t worry, it’s not done, the concept of done has a different meaning. However, fathers are always the last to know. If I catch him with drugs, I’ll kill him.” He also had an argument via social media with Fedez to whom he had asked to stop attacking his father.

Now the boy’s name goes up in the news for one report of violence made by a 22-year-old girl at the Milan prosecutor’s office. The alleged abuses would have occurred after a night at a disco. The boy says there was no duress. The investigation opened by the Milan prosecutor’s office is entrusted to the prosecutor Rosaria Stagnaro and coordinated by the adjunct Letizia Mannella.

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The night in question is May 18, 2023. The 22-year-old would have gone out at midnight with a friend to go to the nightclub near the Cathedral. «While we were dancing I noticed the presence of a high school classmate of mine (…) Leonardo La Russa, son of Ignazio La Russa. We said goodbye and from that moment on I don’t remember anything,” reports the Corriere della Sera.

The only memory is having two drinks, then waking up at noon the next day «in an absolute state of confusion», «naked in bed with Leonardo La Russa next to her». To him, who would also be naked in bed, he would ask what had happened. «He told me“ we came here after the disco with my car ”». He would also have said that he had “had a relationship with me under the influence of drugs”. The same would have happened with a friend of La Russa: “a relationship with me without my knowledge”.

The story continues with the phone call to her friend who was with her at the disco. «I think he drugged you. You didn’t listen to me, then you ran away because I never found you again», «I tried to take you away and failed». Then the exit from the house, a two-story apartment that he says he recognizes as that of the family because he also crosses paths with Ignazio La Russa. Before letting her out Leonardo would have made one last request: «He said to me “I demand a kiss, otherwise I won’t let you out”. At that point he came over and kissed me against my will. I didn’t say anything out of fear.”

The complaint comes about forty days later, however, the visit to the Mangiagalli Clinic was immediate where an ecchymosis on the neck and a wound on a thigh were found. She would also test positive for cocaine that would have been taken before the disco. Instead, she would not have responded to Leonardo La Russa’s Instagram message the next day.

The lawyer Adriano Bazzoniwho defends La Russa, told al Corriere della Sera: «based on what you are telling us, it seems that the young woman is referring to a night in which, in Leonardo’s opinion, there was no form of constraint: she agreed to spend the after-disco with my client, freely going with him at his house, spending the night and staying with him until the following noon, and then saying goodbye as normal».

The president of the Senate spoke late in the morning: «After questioning him for a long time, I am certain that my son Leonardo has not committed any criminally relevant act. I’m counting on the Public Prosecutor’s Office in which, in my long professional career I have always placed my trust, to clarify things as quickly as possible to dispel any doubts. A complaint filed after forty days by the drafting attorney certainly leaves many questions. Objectively, the story of a girl who, by her own admission, had consumed cocaine before meeting my son leaves many doubts. An episode of which Leonardo was unaware. A substance that I am sure Leonardo himself never consumed in his life. Furthermore, when met in the morning, albeit fleetingly by my wife and me, the girl appeared absolutely calm. Equally certain is the strong reprimand I gave my son for bringing into our house a girl with whom he didn’t have a consolidated relationship. I don’t feel like making any further reproach to him.”

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