Italy 24 Press News

Meeting at Eboli with Commander Gregorio De Falco | POLITICALLY

July 7, 2024, 7:30 pm, Mediterranean garden of the Bar Impero in S. Cecilia di Eboli, chat with Commander Gregorio De Falco: From the Concordia ship to Differentiated Autonomy.


EBOLI – “THE BEST OF ME IS YOU” we read in the invitation brochure to the meeting-chat with the Commander Gregorio De Falco, which will be held on 7 July 2024, at 7.30 pm, in the Mediterranean garden of the Bar Impero in S. Cecilia di Eboli. And again, the brochure headlines, “Decentralization from oneself: defeat to the KING”, underlining how lhumility defeats the system. We always add, except in cases where bullying is organized into a “system” and prevails over others to the point of wanting to enslave them.

A chat that will pass byat the Concordia shipup to dealing with the prominent theme of these days: differentiated autonomy, a a chat that already promises to be interesting and which sees Il as the “dialogue” protagonist commander Gregory DeFalcoa man and a soldier, but also passionate and instinctive as well as firm in his decisions. And who will ever forget that cursed evening that transformed a cruise into a tragedy, where the memory of those dead still burns hotly? Who will ever forget that grave and worried but determined and imperious voice that peremptorily ordered the Commander of the Concordia ship what had to be done to avoid the worst and to repair a pride that was more than compromised? Who does not remember that 13th January 2012 and those phone calls between Schettino and De Falco and when the latter ordered: “You go on board, f… it’s an order! You don’t have to make any further assessments. You have declared abandon ship. I’m in charge now! You go on board! Is that clear?

And on July 7th at 7.30pm in the Mediterranean garden of the Bar Impero in S. Cecilia di Eboli you will chat with that man, that Commander and the conduction after the greetings of the parish priest of S. Cecilia, don Daniele Peronof the Mayor of Eboli Mario Conte, the majority councilors, Sara Constantine e Cosimo Massawas entrusted to the journalist Angelica Tafuri.

There will be no shortage of them in the evening”Moments of art” with Sofia Fasano, Simone e Blessed Zinnowith the extraordinary participation of the singing teacher Angela Clemente. E Nicholas Dance will sing “Teng ‘o mare”.

The associations will also participate: Asst. cultural Dawn, exponents Aicha Rafik e Aya Zorgan; Asd S. Cecilia, technical director Demetrius Esposito; Eboli Youth Forum, the President Andrea Simeone; The boys of “Seconda Stella”; Voice of the school, publishers Salvatore lannone e Paolo Pipolothe chief editor Doriana D’Elia; The Legal consultant and criminologist, Chakir Fatiha.

Eboli, 29 June 2024

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