Italy 24 Press News

Castiglione, the Luigi d’Oro 2024 to the artist and sculptor Enos Rizzi

Castiglione Yesterday afternoon in the Teatro Sociale, as per tradition, the appointment with the award ceremony of the Luigi d’Oro was renewed. For the occasion, the civic merit for the year 2024 went to Enos Rizzi. Born on 10 January 1944 in Levadello di Gozzolina, son of Rocco, pupil of the Medolese sculptor Giuseppe Brigoni, Enos has been in contact with the material of art since he was a child. Over the years he paints, experimenting with various techniques and new research itineraries. He works hard, studies and looks to the great masters; he is a participant in today’s artistic life and has participated in important collective exhibitions as well as having set up prestigious personal exhibitions. His works are present in public and private collections in Italy and abroad.
Rizzi received the important recognition with these motivations: “To the surprising painter, poet, scholar and researcher, representative of Castiglione Chiarism who made his bold techniques of modern artistic language transforming art into poetry and vice versa, recombining the relationship between work and object”.
Following this, the mayor Enrico Volpi and the council presented certificates of merit to the local associations that collaborated in the realization of the major events, and prizes to the “historical activities” of the city and to the deserving students.

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