Italy 24 Press News

European Jr., Sara Scorrano beats Warren and takes third final in a row – Torino Cronaca

It will be the third consecutive final. Sara Scorrano to European Juniors of Sarajevo he beat the Englishman 4-1 on points in the 70 kg semi-final Shannon Sarah Warren and today she will challenge the Russian for the title Arina Riuminato repeat the gold medal of two years ago, among the schoolgirls, and put behind her the disappointment of the silver in 2023.

“I got into the ring – says the 16-year-old from Turin – aware of the pitfalls, having never met an opponent who would have pressed me like that. I tried to do my best and follow the advice of the corner. Warren always came forward and, when she got on top of me, she pushed. I had to stay there, without taking steps back, or anticipate her before she landed the blows. I would have clearly won the first round, but the referee, after only two warnings, for having hit behind the head, officially called me back and took away a point, putting the situation back on par. This decision did not influence me, on the contrary it charged me, making me understand that I would have to give even more. In the following two rounds she continued to box in that way and I managed it well, working on the body and moving so as not to be found”.

On Sunday 30 June the athlete ofBoxing Academy will try to take the last step: “Riumina is left-handed and, compared to Warren, leaves more space to make the actions. I will try to keep her away and, if necessary, I will accept the short distance. I hope to be able to take advantage of the experience of the two previous finals. Last year’s defeat is a bad memory and I want to redeem it at all costs”. For the master Roberto Lavecchia “Sara will have to be very continuous in the action and make the Russian girl feel the blows, who is technically very good, but may have difficulties from a physical point of view”.

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