Italy 24 Press News

Wind attack on Sardinia, meeting in Oristano: no to environmental havoc

Say no to what could become a real environmental disaster. In Oristano, a debate with many voices, organized by the cultural association “Lucio Abis”, on the topic of energy speculation and the interventions needed to block them.

In the crowded great hall of Consorzio Uno, there were representatives of committees and associations. And there was the scientific committee Insularità in Costituzione with the president Maria Antonietta Mongiu, Giuseppe Pulina, Rita Dedola, Giuseppe Biggio, Gian Valerio Sanna, Benedetto Ballero. The editor of the L’Unione Sarda group Sergio Zuncheddu spoke.

In many interventions, critical accents on the moratorium of the Giunta that the Regional Council is currently discussing. The bill is considered “largely insufficient in the face of the invasion of gigantic blades that could compromise the Sardinian landscape forever”. Sergio Zuncheddu reiterated: «The Region knows what it has to do, 98.8% of the territory is covered by various types of constraints, archaeological, monumental, landscape, linked to civic uses». What is the most effective tool? According to the editor, «the best solution is an urban planning regulation that arises from the powers that are recognized to Sardinia on the basis of the Statute».

The lawyer is also critical of the moratorium Blessed Ballero, former regional councilor and councilor for culture: «It’s a blunt instrument. Fundamental points are missing: there is no limitation on the increase in power in revamping and a clear address on the issue of authorizations already issued. All this means that after 18 months the private individual does what he wants or presents an appeal requesting damages from the Region.”

Maria Antonietta Mongiu he recalled the proposal of the scientific committee Insularity in the Constitution (and presented to the Urban Planning and Industry commissions of the Regional Council). «We ask to block the projects with a safeguard rule that has value for the inland territories on the model of the rules already successfully applied in coastal areas».

The constitutionalist Vincenzo Cerulli-Irellia former member of parliament, speaking via video conference, offered his availability to contribute “to writing the most useful rules to combat energy speculation to the detriment of Sardinia”.

The video features speeches by the publisher Sergio Zuncheddu, the president of the scientific committee Insularità in Costituzione Maria Antonietta Mongiu, the vice-rector for research at the University of Sassari Giuseppe Pulina, Pietro Arca, mayor of Sorradile and president of the cultural association “Lucio Abis”, and the lawyer Benedetto Ballero.

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