Italy 24 Press News

here’s the reason that many people don’t know

The music, the voice, the hits and the beauty of Annalisa have also arrived in space. Yes, because NASA has decided to dedicate a asteroid to the singer of “Bellissima” and “Simply”. The celestial body 20014 was discovered in 1991 by astronaut Henry E. Holt but the government space agency only wanted to change its name now. Although it might seem strange, there is a very specific reason behind this choice and Annalisa’s fans think that she is very happy with this stellar recognition.

Annalisa’s passion for the stars

Annalisa has never made a secret of her passion for physics, the stars or mathematics because yes, in addition to being a very successful singer, she also graduated in physics in 2009 from the University of Turin. The former student of Amici has always spoken of her love for science so great that she even went as far as to present a television series on Netflix entitled “Tutta colpa di Einstein”. Precisely because in 2023 she was included by Forbes in the ranking of the 100 most influential women in Italy and because her songs continue to be very successful, NASA decided to dedicate the asteroid to her.

NASA’s message

NASA, in the data sheet for asteroid 20014, explains why it wanted to dedicate the celestial body to Annalisa: «She has a degree in physics but has left her mark in the world of music and achieved considerable international success with her songs which have won awards and numerous platinum records.” Furthermore, in 20014 Annalisa’s file, all her technical and orbital data and her current position including trajectory are also written.


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