Italy 24 Press News

The new municipal administration of Potenza Picena took office yesterday evening

POTENZA PICENA – The first meeting of the municipal council took place yesterday evening, taking office following the results of the administrative elections of 8 and 9 June.

On the agenda are the swearing-in of the Mayor, Noemi Tartabini, and the election of the President of the assembly, identified in the person of the lawyer Catia Mei, former city councilor in the last legislature.

“The moment of taking the oath is short but full of emotions and brings with it a great responsibility. – commented the mayor – I think that if I am here today and if this council is formed like this it is because many citizens considered the sowing done in the previous legislature to be positive, appreciating the commitment made; they shared the project proposed for the next five years and considered these administrators reliable. It will be our concern to continue to give our best for our territory in terms of growth, valorisation, safety and services. Today I begin the second administrative mandate with the experience acquired and enhanced by the results obtained and with the request to put our best qualities into play, those that push us to give this country time and energy, to accept ambitious challenges with determination, dedication and authority, to always operate in compliance with regulations, institutions, roles and people, continuing to collaborate synergistically with all municipal and supra-municipal entities. Serving all citizens every day. I conclude with the hope that we can truly work together, despite our differences, to make our city better.”

Following the appointment of the assessors, for the five-year period 2024-2029, the assembly is composed as follows:
City council
Tartabini Noemi (Mayor)
Castagna Giuseppe (Deputy Mayor and Councillor)
Fermani Margherita (councillor)
Galluzzo Michele (councillor)
Palmiero Salvatore (councillor)
Strovegli Luca (councillor)

President of the City Council
My Catia

Majority councillors:
Barbaresi Mara
Mirco Braconi
Casciotti Giulio
Scourge Antimo
Fortuna Veronica
Pace Sonia
Simone Pantanetti
Sampaolo Nicholas
Spectacles Raffaella

Minority councillors
Valentina Campugians
Fausto Knights
Dernowsi Richard
Gaballo Tommaso
Galiè Simona
Perticarà Alessandra

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