Italy 24 Press News

Gangmastering, even from Repubblica scaremongering on the death of Satnam Singh

Giorgia Meloni defined the one that led to the death of Satnam Singh as “the worst Italy”. That part of Italy that exploits workers and immigrants, the one that wanted and was able to understand that behind certain mechanisms lies a business with great potential. Being able to underpay employees because they are desperate. Or even the ways in which certain cooperatives operate, not defending their clients, who often live in conditions at the limit of human dignity, but for defend the “right to fashion” of its owners. A business that asks only one question: to give in ethically. And “the worst Italy” seems to exploit the system without asking too many questions, leaving Satnam with an amputated arm and dying in a countryside in the province of Latina. Giorgia Meloni also remembered Satnam Singh in the Chamber, during her communications in view of the European Council, underlining how his death is “horrible and inhumane”.

The worst Italy

But there is a non-secondary problem: the “worst Italy” of which Giorgia Meloni spoke and which the same has condemnedfor many it refers to the Prime Minister herself. According to the progressive media, and in some ways also according to left-wing politicians, the blame for the crime that led to the death of the Indian laborer would be Giorgia Meloni, guilty, for them, of not having acted against gangmastering and in favor of safety at work and of having, instead, favored the illicit and sub-legal system that bases its business on the exploitation of others. Theses, however, are easily refuted. Per Republicthis, is an indisputable fact, which almost does not need further arguments: in its commentary on the incident, even after having willingly accepted the words of the Prime Minister, the progressive newspaper then asked itself: “And yet, which Italy is Giorgia Meloni talking about? And which Italy is she talking about?”. Then the final statement: “Let’s say it with equal frankness: he talks about his Italy”. Republicin other words, it is widely confirmed within that narrative that would like to place all the blame for Satnam’s death on Giorgia Melonidespite his strong distancing from the incident. And despite the fact that the accused entrepreneur turned out to be a fan of the Five Star Movement. Which is worth nothing, but certainly does not help this narrative.

They generalize and criminalize

In the article by Republicthe left even blames the tax system developed by the Meloni Government, which aims to reduce expenses for those who produce more: “his Italy” would in fact be the one “to which he has guaranteed tax impunity, protectionism, corporatism”. And again: “That of the masters in our house”. Which “should not be disturbed if it wants to do, clearing the bureaucratic and administrative jungle that penalizes”. In short, it’s all a mix: Now would Satnam have died because of the entrepreneurs? A generalization that does not take into due consideration those millions of honest entrepreneurs. Almost a sect to which the left, proudly mindful of its communist past, he just can’t seem to show sympathy. For Republic there is no doubt: “The truth – the piece concludes – is that as Prime Minister, if she really wanted to honor the memory of Satnam Singh, Giorgia Meloni would have only one path to follow”, and that is to “cut the well-known Gordian knot that links her political adventure and the choices of her government in terms of rights, work, inequalities, to that Italy that today she defines as “worse”. But the impression is that this too is an impossible step. Let’s just say against nature. A bit like saying you’re anti-fascist”. After the inevitable reference to anti-fascism, what is most relevant is that, once again, even through the press, the left wants to corroborate the thesis according to which the real culprit of Satnam’s death is not the vile and deplorable attitude of a person, but the action of a government. A criminalization that does nothing but further heat up the tone of the political debate. Be careful, however, because a fire could break out. And the main victim would be our entire democratic system.. Including the left.

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