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NASA dedicated an asteroid to Annalisa – DiLei

A new (singular) milestone for AnnalisaThe Italian pop star, who this year has already achieved a third place at the Sanremo Festival, a streaming record on online platforms and the role of godmother at the Rome Pride, has obtained a new recognition from NASAThe American aerospace agency has in fact decided to give the his name to an asteroid discovered in 1991. And the choice, obviously, is not random.

Annalisa, NASA Names an Asteroid in Her Honor

From the floats of the Rome Pride, of which she was the exceptional godmother, to the orbits of the Milky Way: Annalisa has also conquered NASA, which has decided to give her name to a celestial body. The American space agency has in fact christened 20014 Annalisa an asteroid discovered in 1991 by astronaut Henry E. Holt. A beautiful achievement for the Ligurian singer, who can add the singular achievement to the already very long list of successes.

NASA’s choice is obviously not accidental: the former face of Amici can in fact boast one physic degree, a title of which she is very proud, and which led her to also present a series of thematic documentaries on Netflix. Referring to Nali, the US Aerospace Agency specified in the asteroid card: “She has a degree in physics but has made her mark in the world of music and achieved considerable international success with her songs that have won awards and numerous platinum records”. Furthermore, the identifying profile of 20014 Annalisa It also reports all the technical and orbital data of the asteroid, in addition to its current position and trajectory. An irrevocable decision, which will undoubtedly please the artist’s many fans.

Annalisa and her passion for physics

The general public knows her for her hits My love e Beautiful and for participation in the talent show Amici, but Annalisa has a brilliant academic career behind her. The singer has in fact Graduated in Physics at the University of Turin, and although his professional career has taken other directions, he always speaks with enthusiasm about his great passion for scientific subjects. “Graduating is one of those things I would do again immediately, because it was life trainingonce you reach a goal like that you feel like you can do anything. At least that’s how I felt. And then I’ve always been curious, a lover of science and experiments, even a bit of a nerd, I have that slightly crazy streak in my blood” she told Corriere della Sera.

A path, the university one, that also shaped her from a character point of view: “In high school I stood out, but there I realized that there were people with brains that were no joke. I worked so hard, it was very hard, but in the end the feeling was this: Now I can do anything. That experience helped me to have the courage to go back to the auditions, to show myself after the failures at X Factor e Amici (first time). Once I graduated, I said to my parents: now give me a year and I’ll just do what I want, let’s see how it ends.” And judging by the results, it turned out pretty well.

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