Italy 24 Press News

Golden Jubilee for Bishop Fausto Tardelli

FISH – Over the years there have been numerous priests of the archdiocese of Lucca who received ordination on 29 June: this is the day on which the Church celebrates the liturgical solemnity of SS. Peter and Paul.
Among these also figures our Bishop Fausto Tardelli. In fact he was ordained a priest on Saturday 29 June 1974 for the laying on of hands and for the consecratory prayer of Archbishop Giuliano Agresti.

Monsignor Fausto Tardelli (photo Claudio Minghi)

The fifty years following the priestly ordination of Monsignor Fausto Tardelli are well summarized in his biographical profile. It outlines his admirable figure as an active priest and, subsequently, as an enlightened and wise bishop.

The celebration of our Bishop’s priestly golden jubilee will be a very important event. Above all it will be a reason for gratitude to the Lord for the gift of the vocation.
In recent days there have been numerous messages received by our Bishop Fausto Tardelli. The Mayor of Pescia Riccardo FranchI writes: “A very important anniversary, which tells and celebrates our pastor’s many years of service to the Church. For only a few months Monsignor Tardelli has also been bishop of the Diocese of Pescia, a few months which have nevertheless been enough to make us appreciate the quality of the spiritual guide who today governs the Church of Pescia, a man capable of precious and always punctual work in the ecclesial and social sphere .
Monsignor Tardelli, a man of fine and vast culture, is at the same time a bishop close to the people, who knows how to understand, speak and console those in need, so that in a very short time he has become a safe point of reference for our community.
A long ministry in the service of the Church, a journey that continues in Pescia, for the joy of our fellow citizens and the entire community of Valdinievole; a wise and discreet presence, with people and institutions, much appreciated in every context.
To Bishop Fausto, my most sincere wishes, both personal and from the Municipal Administration of Pescia, for his 50 years of priestly mission. A hug”.

Also the Archdiocese of Lucca sent his message of good wishes to Bishop Tardelli: “The Church of Lucca also participates with the prayer of praise and thanks to the Lord, on the occasion of the 50 years of presbyteral ordination of Mons. Fausto Tardelli. Furthermore, with joy and gratitude she remembers his service in Lucca, where his training and ordination took place, and she congratulates herself on the gifts received thanks to his daily testimony of faith. We wish Msgr. Tardelli to continue his ministry with his traditional vigor and marked humanity, at the service of the dioceses he still leads and in favor of the whole Church”.

For this important anniversary, one also arrived from the Vatican greeting letter signed by Pope Francis:
“To the Venerable Brother Fausto Tardelli, Bishop of Pistoia and Pescia, who on the solemnity of the Apostles Peter and Paul, celebrates the golden jubilee of his presbyteral ordination, recalling his commitment, fruitfully exercised for the good of the faithful of the communities of San Miniato, then of Pistoia and Pescia, united in person as Episcopalians, also mindful of his service in the Italian and Tuscan Episcopal Conferences, we thank him most heartily, also taking into consideration his apostolic concern, expressed with tireless commitment towards the flock of the faithful , and the pastoral concern with which he carried out his duties and guided the faithful, nourishing them with the word of God and with the example of the charity of Jesus Christ, demonstrating loyalty and love towards the whole community and its individual members . We wish him all the best, imparting the Blessing together with his communities and those close to him and asking for prayers for our Petrine ministry.”

Bishop Fausto will celebrate this important anniversary next Saturday, June 29, 2024, the day of Saints Peter and Paul in the Eucharistic celebration scheduled in Pistoia in the Cathedral of San Zeno at 6:00 pm. On this occasion, the diocese of Pistoia will also see the conclusion of the Diocesan Synod two years after its beginning.

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